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'We did NOT withdraw, we RETREATED': Infuriating thread takes Biden APART for ignoring why Americans are REALLY pissed about Afghanistan

Biden’s Afghanistan speech completely missed the point.

While he babbled on about how the buck supposedly stops with him (after blaming Trump and the Afghan army repeatedly), Biden never actually got around to addressing WHY Americans on both sides of the aisle are so angry about what’s happening in Afghanistan. That’s why ‘BUT TRUMP’ doesn’t really do much here.


Most Americans agree that we cannot stay in Afghanistan indefinitely … but the way Biden pulled us out was not a withdrawal, it was a retreat. And the world watched it happen.

This thread explains it far better than we can:


So much this.

Keep reading:

No words.

Just none.

Safe and orderly way.


Because nothing says safe and orderly like watching Afghans cling to the OUTSIDE OF A FREAKIN’ PLANE falling to their deaths.


Agreed, all day. Biden is not fit to speak to them.




‘Honestly, WTAF is WRONG with you?’ Jennifer Rubin’s pathetic attempt at doing damage control for Biden BACKFIRES impressively

Biden’s FAILURE in Afghanistan only getting WORSE: Taliban commanders already conducting ‘horrific’ door-to-door searches

What the … WOW! Pic White House posted to prove Biden/Harris were ‘hearing updates’ on Afghanistan looks KINDA sorta off (thread)

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