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What SHE said --> Tulsi Gabbard BREAKS with race-obsessed Dems in kick-a*s video about what our country and world NEED (watch)

When all we hear from Democrats is how everything and everyone they disagree with is racist for months and months (years?!) on end, hearing this from Democrat Tulsi Gabbard is truly a breath of fresh air. She gets it.

Which confused the Hell out of us since she hasn’t left the Democrats yet but here we are.

And we’ll take it:

We need more Tulsi and less Biden. Seriously.


But too many Democrats have bought into the ‘we must hate each other over our skin color’ rhetoric to ever really get it. Not to mention it has helped them shape an ugly, victim-focused and divisive agenda that cons people into voting for them over and over again. If they actually listened to Tulsi they’d have to find a new schtick.

And we know they’re not interested in that.



‘Hello 9-1-1? I’d like to report a murder’! Brit Hume REX ‘sparkle’ troll trying to bash Fox News as only he can and in just 1 tweet

‘Biden is an IDIOT in my opinion’: Black American police officer SHOCKS BBC pundit by voicing opinions he clearly did NOT expect about Chauvin (watch)

‘Dispatch, can you have LeBron call my cell right away?’ Cop’s TikTok response to LeBron James is painfully SPOT-ON and hilarious (watch)


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