Ok people, just so you know, if you get censored on Facebook it’s your own fault.
Or something.
The debate over social media's role in society often centers on concerns that people are being manipulated by algorithms they can’t control. Some say the machines have already won. Read my take here: https://t.co/B1a7UbxEzZ
— Nick Clegg (@nick_clegg) March 31, 2021
It takes two to tango.
Alrighty then.
No surprise Facebook’s Andy Stone shared this and said it is ‘worth a read’:
.@nick_clegg's essay is worth a read as it addresses some of the macro charges levied against Facebook, and social media more generally, of late. It acknowledges where critics have a point, where they simply miss the mark and how Facebook is charting a course forward. https://t.co/6fZhcbocAk
— Andy Stone (@andymstone) March 31, 2021
It’s your fault if you get censored on Facebook. Yeah, that’s it.
What an obnoxious article, tweet, and guy.
Pretty sure Andy worked for Kamala Harris before he joined the communications group at Facebook so you know his ideas and opinions are totally UNBIASED.
And if you believe that we have a bridge for sale, real cheap, in Antarctica.
This is the life-long Democratic Party operative who now works for Facebook. He was the one who announced Facebook would suppress any discussion of the Hunter Biden docs pending a "fact-check."
He lied. The fact-check never came. You know why? Because the docs were authentic. https://t.co/igZb5XurHC
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 31, 2021
Because he knew the story would hurt his old boss …
I regard Facebook & Twitter's decision to censor the reporting on the Biden family in the weeks before the election to be one of the most draconian acts of political censorship in decades. While @Jack apologized, FB didn't. They lied:https://t.co/Vjvg3xCPhS
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) March 31, 2021
It’s pretty gross.
And to Glenn’s point, at least Jack sort of apologized for it.
Facebook: It's not us, it's you https://t.co/t3TZ6hypp5
— Mathew Ingram (@mathewi) March 31, 2021
That. ^
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