One thread on Twitter that this editor decided not to write about was from a verified account called MuslimMarine where he lectured Americans about why they don’t need ‘weapons of war’ like an AR-15. That being said, when fellow Marine Robb Allen wrote his own thread about why people should ignore that other Marine’s thread welp … that got our attention.
Seeing how we support the Second Amendment and stuff.
Take a look:
I am also a Marine.
So my opinion holds the exact same weight as this guy and I'm just as unassailable as him.
Since I'm immune from being argued with like he says he is, you can own whatever you want.
Ignore this guy.
— Robb Allen (@ItsRobbAllen) February 22, 2021
From one Marine to another?
And that’s a great point. There is this unspoken rule that you can’t challenge someone who has served in our military, which is strange. You can still respect someone you disagree with, yes? But Robb’s point is valid here, especially if you take the time to read that other thread.
Robb continued:
A gun is a tube, sealed at one end. A projectile is placed in the tube and some form of propellant causes the projectile to move towards the open end.
That's it. It doesn't matter if the projectile is big or small, it doesn't matter how fast it comes out…
— Robb Allen (@ItsRobbAllen) February 22, 2021
It doesn't matter how quickly a new projectile can be placed back in the tube or how many projectiles come out upon the actuation of a lever.
All of that is a red herring meant to distract.
"Military Grade" is a term meant to distract.
— Robb Allen (@ItsRobbAllen) February 22, 2021
It’s all about distraction.
And talking points and agenda but we digress …
If you are a soldier, in a battle, and you pick up a rock to hurl at your enemy, that rock is a weapon of war.
"Weapons of war" is a term meant to distract.
— Robb Allen (@ItsRobbAllen) February 22, 2021
What he said.
What these people are trying to do is to force you to use *less effective* weaponry to defend yourself.
So that when the time comes, you cannot protect yourself when it matters.
— Robb Allen (@ItsRobbAllen) February 22, 2021
His timeline is actually a pretty good read in general, especially about this topic.
He was 0121.
— Kaitain ?? (@Kaitain_US) February 22, 2021
And I was an aviation electrician working on Cobras, Hueys, and FA18s, but I was trained as an 0001 like the rest of my Devil Dogs, so I'm wary of assigning weight to MOS.
Suffice it to say that regardless of MOS, our opinions on 2A rights have no more or less weight than yours.
— Robb Allen (@ItsRobbAllen) February 22, 2021
Was I on the front lines? No. But without Marines like me, Cobras would not be able to launch Hellfire missiles. Without cooks, the grunts would starve. Without supply, they'd not have boots.
We're all a team, regardless of our MOS
— Robb Allen (@ItsRobbAllen) February 22, 2021
One thing of note – You do not have to be on the front line of a battle to be a soldier. I do not denigrate service members based on their MOS.
Unless someone is trying to imply they were on the front lines as a way to shield them from criticism, then all bets are off.
— Robb Allen (@ItsRobbAllen) February 22, 2021
What he said.
And said well.
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