CNN analyst … because of course.
Sounds like Delta returned a flight to the gate when two passengers refused to wear a mask on board. Harvard professor and CNN analyst Juliette Kayyem took this as an opportunity to advocate for putting people refusing to wear a mask on a ‘list’ much like the no-fly list. You know, like the do with terror suspects.
Because that’s not awful or anything.
.@FAA should adopt a "no mask" list — much like "no fly" list for terror suspects — and permanently prohibit passengers like this from booking flights on any airlines (not just Delta). Call it "total jerks" list if you want, "complete asses" list if it makes you feel better.
— Juliette Kayyem (@juliettekayyem) August 2, 2020
Total Jerks List.
Complete As*es List.
Aww, so edgy and clever.
We love it when they hide fascism behind snark.
If there are awards for Stupidest Tweet of the Year, this one is a top 3 for sure…
— GP unmasked ?? (@gpinaz) August 2, 2020
Oooh, well done, Juliette.
Juliette wants to ban people that she thinks are total jerks. Governments making lists seldom works out, especially when the people on it haven’t committed any crime. Before long people will suggest rounding up said jerks, and maybe send them to re-education camps #UyghurGenocide
— The Doctor (@TennantRob) August 2, 2020
I don’t want to live in your America.
— Candy Lamb (@candylamb47) August 2, 2020
It’s pretty damn bleak.
Tell us how you feel about forcing them to wear badges so we all know who they are??
— LlamaLlama (@BethieBeemer) August 2, 2020
Maybe get them a tattoo, or perhaps I don’t know, a 6 pointed star?
— The Magus (@asaganich) August 2, 2020
It is all about controlling the American citizens.
— Nathan (@NathanNix) August 2, 2020
Sure thing, Karen.
— Done With Your Crap Slug (@VekaFitzfrancis) August 2, 2020
Maybe go through their social media and give them a social credit score, if it isn't high enough we could prevent them from traveling. Maybe set up some reeducation camps to get people to think the right way.
— KC ? (@KCandtheBoys) August 2, 2020
We know this tweep is kidding but PLEASE don’t give these jagoffs any ideas.
George Orwell warned me about people like you……
— China Lied – People Died (@ATxFellow) August 2, 2020
Guess you’ve never heard of a free society, hmm, Jules? What’s next? Gold star on our arms? You’re so cute.
— Sarah Johnson (@SarahJohnsonPR) August 2, 2020
Can we do the same for you attempting to secure public office?
— Bill Burke ?? (@TaxManBoston) August 2, 2020
"I love Big Brother. I love Big Brother."
— DrM ?? (@DrMagnolias) August 2, 2020
Who ARE these people?
You know what? Don’t answer that.
Keeps playing the media like a FIDDLE: Trump NOW says he wants to move the election up and BAHAHA