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'ERMYGAHD it's the COVID!' Conservative woman takes WaPo 'health' reporter pushing panic porn APART in perfect thread

Is it just our imagination or is the media working overtime to try and make sure Americans are TERRIFIED to leave their homes? Forget that we’re seeing declines in hospitalizations and deaths in a majority of the country and that they have yet to see a single instance of a child infecting an adult with the virus …


No, now they want you to be afraid the virus will destroy your kidneys, and guess what? KIDS AREN’T IMMUNE!


*eye roll*

We call this ‘panic porn’ because the writers get off on scaring the crap out of their readers which results in clicks and taps.

Sorry, not sorry.

Stacey Lennox of PJ Media ripped Bernstein a new one:


‘It’s a shame WaPo doesn’t give their reporters access to the Internet.’


From PJ Media:

So now the country and maybe the world will have an overabundance of ventilators. However, it is difficult to fault the President. The media berated him into it, his health expert agreed with Governor Cuomo, and he was given an astounding number needed as the pandemic was expected to spread nationwide based on the models at the time. The same media also ignored a wealth of information being provided about the actual clinical presentation of the virus from clinicians on the frontline, preferring to quote Dr. Fauci, who was not treating patients.

It is now being widely reported that ventilators don’t work as if it can possibly be construed as some kind of ‘gotcha’ against President Trump. Rather, this should be a ‘gotcha’ for the media and the global health experts. They ignored well-documented history related to SARS and feedback from doctors treating patients who were telling them history was repeating itself. As far as I am concerned, the current death toll can lie at their feet.

What she said.



Yes, they should absolutely find themselves a Google machine.



‘YOU have a catastrophe on YOUR hands’! Janice Dean lights Cuomo the EFF UP over his disastrous nursing home COVID policy

RUH-ROH Schiff Head, Richard Grenell is JUST getting started! ‘Satchel of docs’ to be released spell more BAD NEWS for Adam Schiff

Oh the HACKERY! ABC leaves out 1 SUPER important word in their ‘just in’ tweet about DOJ officials calling on Barr to resign

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