Democrats have been falling all over themselves this past week trying to pander to the pro-abort crowd. Thinking they realize if and when Trump wins again in November their precious Roe v. Wade may indeed be up for ‘grabs.’ Granted, if they reversed RvW all that would mean is the states decide the legality around abortion but we all know Democrats can’t stand the idea of states making their own laws.
Rep. Ilhan Omar did her pandering part:
Abortion is a Constitutional right
— Rep. Ilhan Omar (@Ilhan) March 4, 2020
James Woods asked Ilhan about something else being constitutional or not …
How about polygamy? #BroBoner
— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) March 6, 2020
Did … did he really just hashtag #BroBoner?
We’re going to guess Ilhan doesn’t want to answer James’ question and she probably doesn’t much care for his hashtag. We think it’s pretty damn funny though.
He said “Bro boner”.
Dead. ?????
— D. K. USA?? (@DeniseK_USA) March 6, 2020
Get that gal some aloe. ?
— T'ssaNga?#MarchNlikeAMonsoon? (@T_tothe2ndNGa) March 6, 2020
Would a #BroBoner be a #Broner ?
— Utmost Conservative (@LeaningFarRight) March 6, 2020
In her case would that be #QuidBroBoner?
— LiberalsЯNutz (@Leannbe) March 6, 2020
Ok, this is one of those threads that got completely out of hand.
Ain’t it great?
#BroBoner she should have ran in Philadelphia. the city of brotherly love ❤️
— Sir Robert Levy (@levy_sir) March 6, 2020
So dead.
Anything they want is a right. What they don’t want is not a right. They are simple like that.
— Anders Lindegren (@Lindegren) March 6, 2020
I am so glad you are back on Twitter Mr. Woods #broboner.
— Shacie (@Shacie6) March 6, 2020
We are too.
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