Nancy Pelosi is trying really hard to pretend their impeachment fiasco is about their oath to the Constitution … wonder if she remembers it was a guy in her party who called it a barrier.
Hey, at least she admitted it’s not really about Ukraine or Russia, it’s about the election.
Why wouldn’t she want to let the voters decide?
Nancy Pelosi on whether Democrats will move forward with impeachment or if they will let the voters decide: "The voters are not going to decide"
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) October 17, 2019
Thanks for the honesty, Nancy.
Although she seems so out of it you have to wonder if she even realizes what she just admitted to.
Holy crap
— lala (@lacoolio1) October 17, 2019
Something like that, yes.
— Rich Weinstein (@phillyrich1) October 18, 2019
Lol, "it's not about any of these things I'm mentioning but I'll mention them anyway because that is really what it's all about"
— Nickarama (@Nickarama1) October 17, 2019
She’s like a robot with faulty wiring at this point.
Seems undemocratic
— Gary (@garyalan82) October 18, 2019
Of course not. Democrats hate voters. They hate America, and they know the American people will always protect the Constitution.
— Lucy Yost (@LucyYost2) October 18, 2019
I’m sorry but how in the hell is this woman speaker of the house. My head hurts to to figure out what the heck she talking about. She’s all over the place. Nancy just answer the damn question. Quit trying to skirt around it by tossing out all the other bs y’all lied about???
— braat05 (@BetzelHeather) October 17, 2019
@SpeakerPelosi You finally announce your true intentions, to nullify the vote of the people. Incredible.
— mid-centurymodern (@midcenturymode2) October 17, 2019
It is incredible, in a horrible and terrifying way.
Let’s hear it for the Democrats!
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