Tom Nichols picked a fight with RedSteeze.
We don’t know why.
Maybe he was bored? Lonely? Looking for attention?
Wait … he just wanted us to Twitchy him again … THAT’S it.
It all started with Steeze’s tweet slamming Brian ‘Tater’ Stelter:
You’ve got him this time.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 22, 2019
Enter Tom:
In any decent country, that would be true.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 22, 2019
Le sigh.
Ah yes the country is no longer decent now.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 22, 2019
Politically? No. And if this were a Democrat in office, you'd be baying about it at the top of your lungs – rightly. The fact that you aren't – despite being an intelligent guy who's written some incisive stuff – is Exhibit A in what I'm talking about.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 22, 2019
Get some popcorn, this goes on quite a while.
Fair point.
You're one of the people who stands aside and criticizes when it suits you. "Impeach him. I don't care." Of course you do. You have views on this and many other things. But this kind of aerobic "whatevering" is exactly what I'm talking about. You're an adult. Take a side. /1
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 22, 2019
I get that "you and Boot" line is a new go-to, as well. Fine, we've been writing longer than you. Maybe that's why we felt a greater need to be introspective about how we got here. That's your issue, not mine. /2
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 22, 2019
Or, and hear us out, maybe it’s not so much a go-to as the reality that people on the Right really don’t like it when writers they’ve looked up to for decades suddenly crap all over them and their ideals because they don’t like the president.
But a country that tolerates this behavior in a president is a country that has a fundamental problem with the notion of decency. If this were some other president in a foreign nation, we'd both be writing columns about why America is better than the Republic of Bananastan. /3
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 22, 2019
You’ve gotta wonder if Tom reads what he writes.
America is still better than Bananastan even with that big orange dope as President. I guess that’s where we differ.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 22, 2019
What he said.
At some point, our politics will become indistinguishable from theirs. And "whatever, I don't care, do u" is one of the surest paths to get there.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 22, 2019
“You refuse to participate in our slap fight. How dare you. How dare you sir.”
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 22, 2019
You don’t want to participate, you just want to sit up in the bleachers and talk about how lame everyone is for actually caring about stuff that you once pretended to care about.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 22, 2019
Ok, now it’s just turning into a ‘mean girl fight.’
Who can be meaner?
Tom, I’ll make you a deal. When you go on Morning Joe and go after Joe Scarborough for turning his show over to Trump during the GOP primaries as hard as you do people on Twitter, I’ll believe your muh principles
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 22, 2019
Our money is on Steeze.
But you want do that because that jeopardizes your television appearances. You pick a fight that matters just **once** before criticizing how I choose to watch. What say you?
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 22, 2019
Pretty sure I know where they stand right now, Steve. And I know where you stand: on the sidelines, whining.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 22, 2019
Then Tom snapped his fingers … yeah, girl.
Just kidding.
Sure Tom. Keep doing those Morning Joe bits!
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 22, 2019
Will do. And I'll be making a clear case about what I think every time I'm there, instead of showing up and saying "whatever, losers, I'm too hip for this room. Re-elect him, impeach him, I'm just too dissociated and alienated to care about, you know, stuff."
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 22, 2019
He’s repeating himself.
Joe Scarborough compared Donald Trump to Ronald Reagan multiple times , and you’ll sit there with your shiteating grin and lap it all up anyway. You’re all Donald Trump. And you have to live with that every time you walk on that and debase and embarrass yourself.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 22, 2019
You’re all Donald Trump. Told ya’ Steeze could be meaner.
ROFL trying to square appearing on Morning Joe regularly with muh real con principles muh people who empowered Donald Trump.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 22, 2019
I know, it's all such a drag, being around grownups. It's all so dirty. (And CNN, they're bad too, because they showed Trump rallies.) We can't all yell at the walls of our apartment all day about how everyone sucks but us.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 22, 2019
No no Tom, keep thinking you're making a difference by appearing on the same networks who gave Donald Trump 4.6 billion dollars on his way to the nomination. Keep sliding on up to Joe and Mika like they didn't fluff Trump for months on end. Those sweet sweet resistance endorphins
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 22, 2019
Again, you call those guys out just once on air, and maybe you'll gain a measure of respect back. Until then, you're just part of the problem.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 22, 2019
A measure of respect from *you*, you mean, because it galls you to see NTers – me, Boot, anyone – on television doing anything but emulating the bored nihilist act that you think is somehow passing for a coherent view of politics.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 22, 2019
This is just getting ridiculous at this point.
Again Tom, all you have to do is call him out once for it. Summon all that energy you use on Twitter dudes. Do it, just once. I'm rooting for you here.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 22, 2019
We’re pretty sure Steeze ISN’T rooting for Tom here.
Just sayin’.
What would you like me to ask him, Steve? Why he had on Trump? I know why: Because Trump was awesome television and no one thought he'd win. Same reason CNN ran those freak shows. Cost-free ratings. I'm a grownup, I get that. Like I said: I know where they stand now.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 22, 2019
But what you're really saying to me is: Stop going on television, unless you've approved the source, and don't say things that make you realize that you have the moral spine of a bowl of tapioca. This isn't about me or Joe Scarborough, it's about you being pissed at life.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 22, 2019
And now we see the victim.
No Tom… it really really is about lecturing me about who empowered Donald Trump while appearing on Morning Joe regularly. Trust me here. It really is.
You’re the problem.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 22, 2019
I'm not lecturing you on who empowered Trump. I'm talking about your run into the tall grass *now*, not two years ago. You were pretty clear then. Now, it's all just ennui and alienation and whatevers, as if you have no view on anything. Having views is interesting. This isn't.
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 22, 2019
Also, the NY Post, which endorsed Trump in the primary, who said: "He reflects the best of 'New York values' — and offers the best hope for all Americans who rightly feel betrayed by the political class." I hope each article for started with a demand for an explanation 🙂
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 23, 2019
Except …
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 23, 2019
I’m the guy who got these pieces published at Fox. Not exactly kissing Trump’s ring like Tom does for Morning Joe, who compared Trump to Reagan, on a weekly basis.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 23, 2019
More pro Trump propaganda.. oh shit wait
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 23, 2019
But Steve, you're appearing in their venue. Why won't you write just *one* piece demanding they explain themselves? I mean, unlike me and Morning Joe, you're taking their money. Don't you think you owe it to your principles to excoriate them for enabling Trump in the primary?
— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) September 23, 2019
I did Tom.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) September 23, 2019
Girls, GIRLS, you’re both pretty.
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