Dave Chapelle’s latest performance has well and truly enraged the Left.
Probably because so few of them have a sense of humor in the first place but we digress.
Eric Spencer (@JustEric) wrote a fairly enlightening thread about why our delicate, tolerant resisters are so ticked off about the comedian’s controversial set.
Colbert, Noah, Silverman, Schumer, Stewart, et al.: HURR DURR CONSERVATIVES SUCK AND WE R S-M-R-T
Chappelle: Y'know, maybe things aren't as simple as you think they are, and here's me saying that in humorous ways.
The Left: pic.twitter.com/hbFG8QfXze
— Eric Spencer (@JustEric) August 29, 2019
Because their comedy isn’t focused around being funny, it’s focused around being unkind and punishing people who think differently from them. They are the true authoritarians.
Not to overstate what Chappelle did, which was just a comedy show, but he did, to some degree, introduce nuance into the political discussion, and that's why the Left is mad.
They deal in absolutes. Nuance changes things for them in ways they aren't equipped to handle.
— Eric Spencer (@JustEric) August 29, 2019
Nuance means they have to think beyond their talking points, and they HATE that.
Pick any Left wing position, and introduce nuance to see how it changes.
— Eric Spencer (@JustEric) August 29, 2019
Claim: We need to ban guns because if there are no guns criminals won't have guns.
Nuance: Gun bans disarm law-abiding citizens, and do nothing to criminals who will think nothing of buying on the black market.
Result: Gun bans in the U.S. would result in higher crime.
— Eric Spencer (@JustEric) August 29, 2019
Gender Pay Gap
Claim: Women make less than men.
Nuance: Women work fewer hours than men and also tend to pick careers that pay less than the ones men pick.
Result: N/A – They have no solution for this, as equal pay is already law.
— Eric Spencer (@JustEric) August 29, 2019
Pay Inequality
Claim: People aren't making enough to live! We need higher min wage/universal basic income!
Nuance: Money is a finite resource. If forced to pay more,
employers will have to reduce staff, or close.Result: Min wage/UBI fails; results in higher unemployment.
— Eric Spencer (@JustEric) August 29, 2019
Pay Inequality – Part II
Claim: Walmart doesn't pay their employees enough! The CEO makes millions!
Nuance: The CEO makes ~$22M/year. Walmart employs 2.2M people. Divvying up the CEO's salary equally gives everyone ~$10/year (before taxes).
— Eric Spencer (@JustEric) August 29, 2019
I could keep going, but you get the point. The Left abhors nuance because it forces them to think, and forces them to defend their positions, which are largely indefensible.
Their positions (mostly) sound good on the surface, but fall apart quickly when thought is applied.
— Eric Spencer (@JustEric) August 29, 2019
Their concern is that Chappelle will provoke people to think about what the Left advocates, and for those people, these policies will fall apart.
That, or it's because he encouraged black people to buy guns. Occam's razor, perhaps?
— Eric Spencer (@JustEric) August 29, 2019
All the Left really did was prove Dave Chapelle RIGHT.
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