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Straight-up DANGEROUS: AOC continues pushing detention center lies even after armed man killed during attack on WA center

Even after she had her backside handed to her on Friday, AOC was back on Twitter doing her best to continue fear-mongering and pushing lies about detention centers and CBP officers. We understand she’s pandering to a fairly uninformed and overly emotional base that eats this crap up but GIVE US A BREAK ALREADY.


Or lights are kept on at night to keep people from harming one another.

Crazy, right?

This tweet about the kids though … after the stunt Democrats have been pulling with that poor toddler who lost her life several weeks after she’d been released from a center to a hospital, she should be ashamed. But as people keep pointing out, for the Left to be ashamed they’d first have to understand what shame looks like.




Interesting how AOC mentions nothing about WHY these kids are separated from adults, how roughly 30% of them are being used to cross the border and will later likely be trafficked somehow in this country. Also, she fails to mention that she voted AGAINST monies to help these kids, but we digress.


AOC is going to get someone hurt. Oh, wait, that already happened.


But go ahead, AOC, keep pushing your narrative … we know those votes are super important.


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