We’re starting to think Brian Stelter wants us to make fun of him …
There's been so much solid reporting about the Trump-Russia mystery, but the media ecosystem tends to reward speculation over straight news. Are there ways to change this? https://t.co/zwJrobFpOe
— Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) March 25, 2019
Solid reporting on Trump-Russia mystery? What is this dude ON?! It’s interesting watching the firefighters at CNN pretend they weren’t actually part of the whole pushing of the collusion narrative. Brian doesn’t think any of us have been paying attention apparently.
He would be mistaken.
From CNN:
So far, we know very little about what’s in Robert Mueller’s report, but we know, from Attorney General Bill Barr, that Mueller did not find collusion. On the issue of obstruction, Barr and deputy A.G. Rod Rosenstein determined that the evidence was “not sufficient” to support prosecution. Trump, true to form, went too far and said he had been completely exonerated. But Sunday was just day one of a multi-day story…
Yes, it’s Trump’s fault.
*eye roll*
And of course Bri’s contribution is about how people are going to pick on the media over all of this:
We live in a big wild world of “media.” Try to tune out the partisans who paint with a broad brush — the ones who cherry-pick individual errors and try to punish the press as a whole. The rhetoric from folks like Donald Trump Jr. is predictable and cynical — they just want the “media” to be the enemy.
The media HAS been acting like the enemy. Someone wanna get Brian a mirror? Seriously.
Report only facts.
No anonymous sources, not even once
Always be skeptical
If it fits your worldview, be downright cynical
Let facts guide the story, not vice versa
Clicks or integrity. Pick one.
Name and shame others when wrong. Apologize if it was you.
Read this daily.
— Razor (@hale_razor) March 25, 2019
Whoa, this is SO GOOD.
Yes, Brian. Do better. It starts with you. https://t.co/TFJBlvAWcw
— Sara Gonzales (@SaraGonzalesTX) March 25, 2019
off hand, I'd say firing CNN staff and banishing all the conspiracy kooks you've invited on the air over the last 2 years followed by a groveling public apology, but what do I know I'm just an internet drunkhttps://t.co/YwOJRFSpNA
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) March 25, 2019
Here for the ratio ?
— Joel (@wattsthefresco) March 25, 2019
"Solid reporting"
— live free or deb (@livefreeordeb) March 25, 2019
"Solid reporting" Are you freakin' kidding me?????
— Lisa Dickison (@LisaFayD) March 25, 2019
Serious LOL on this one. Yup.
Yes – Shutter CNN
— Andrew Trump (@Nobodieknows) March 25, 2019
Tough crowd.
Clearly a lot of solid reporting. Take a bow after you pat yourselves on the back.
— Jonathan (@Wilmingtonian_) March 25, 2019
You could resign.
— Scott Davis (@ScottDavis44th) March 25, 2019
Be objective for once.
— Sam Burnham (@C_SamBurnham) March 25, 2019
You wouldn't know solid reporting if it bit you in the ass. You've been broadcasting unsupported gossip and innuendo for years. This was the final nail in the coffin of your credibility.
— Al Mosher ??? (@AlMosher54) March 25, 2019
Lots of good, solid advice here, Bri.
Good luck with that.
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