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So. Damn. GOOD! Kyle Kashuv handed Wendy's the PERFECT opportunity to roast McDonald's and it was delicious

Kyle Kashuv has been making waves on Twitter, and not just because he’s a young Second Amendment warrior who has taken a tragedy and worked steadfastly to prevent others from taking place in the future.


No, Kyle has been tweeting about music (bad tweet, Kyle, BAD TWEET), but then he tweeted this about McDonald’s and we have to say … he’s not wrong.

Hey now, the McRib is awesome.

Wendy’s, never missing an opportunity to snark on their rival, used Kyle’s tweet PERFECTLY:

This deserves free nuggets for life, don’t ya’ think, Wendy’s? Remember that yahoo who Twitter verified because he begged Wendy’s for free chicken nuggets for life? Meanwhile, most Conservative writers still can’t get verified but we digress.



We so love this Twitter account.


HA! Kyle did.

Which makes this even better.

And now we want a frosty … dangit!


Now, THIS is some nuclear-level projection! CNN president Jeff Zucker’s swing at Fox News hits his network RIGHT in the cojones

‘Take the L!’ @AG_Conservative and others DISMANTLE Pardes Seleh for vile tweets denying anti-Semitism exists

‘Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the DUMBEST one of all’? AOC was even more of a train wreck than usual at SXSW (watch)

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