As Twitchy reported yesterday, facts have come out around the Chipotle manager who was fired for supposedly ‘refusing service’ to black men. Turns out these particular men were known for ‘dining and dashing’, which was brought to Chipotle’s attention by an account on Twitter called 24 Hip Hop News.
After Chipotle was made aware of who these men were, they tweeted that they may be reconsidering her being fired.
Good, right?
Now look at the headline the New York Post wrote about the manager perhaps being rehired:
Chipotle may rehire manager who refused serving black men
— New York Post (@nypost) November 19, 2018
Because THAT’S not racially charged clickbait.
Ben Shapiro laid into the outlet as only he could:
Your headline is garbage. The men apparently had a history of dining and dashing. Now you've slandered this woman for no reason.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) November 19, 2018
Well, they’ve slandered her for clicks and taps, but yes.
Shame on you. Clickbait.
— Anna Khait (@Annakhait) November 19, 2018
The men were known for not paying for food.
"Following the termination, other Twitter users came to the defense of the manager, pointing out tweets posted to Ali’s Twitter account boasting about “dining and dashing” or ordering food at a restaurant and leaving before paying."
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) November 19, 2018
You mean manager who refused to serve dine-and-dashers.
— Bushi (@PCBushi) November 19, 2018
So Chipotle fires its employees without having any of the facts as long as someone makes a gripe? This is essentially what they just copped to—how entirely pathetic.
— Jive Lurkey ? (@MatlockFletcher) November 19, 2018
Entirely pathetic indeed.
This is a completely misleading headline…. but you already knew that… so I will just hang around for the ratio
— Ask^Me^Nicely (@Liberty_Please_) November 19, 2018
Us too! Heh.
Those kids were confirmed dine-and-dashers. Perhaps consider NOT encouraging kids to break the law and then have them look for a physical attribute in the mirror they can use as an excuse to claim victimhood status and avoid prosecution. Not good "adulting" (nor journalism)
— a farce to reckon with (@ResidentBeagle) November 19, 2018
Adulting and good journalism? Now, what fun would that be?
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