How many times do we have to remind Dianne Feinstein SHE SAT ON FORD’S LETTER FOR TWO DAMN MONTHS?!
Oh, sorry about the caps lock but holy Hell, DiFi is making this editor insane.
Perhaps Feinstein thinks her base is too dumb to know how much sneaky and sideways crap she and her cohorts pulled with Ford and Kavanaugh but c’mon. Even they should be angry with her for this failed Hail Mary that set women back decades.
To protect Roe from a judge who has said time and time again that Roe is settled law.
Seems after Kavanaugh was confirmed Feinstein was still trying to save face:
Confirming Brett Kavanaugh in the face of credible allegations of sexual assault that were not thoroughly investigated, and his belligerent, partisan performance in last Thursday’s hearing undermines the legitimacy of the Supreme Court.
— Sen Dianne Feinstein (@SenFeinstein) October 6, 2018
Give us a break.
And it was as thoroughly investigated as Ford’s team would allow it to be. Reminder, they refused to turn her therapist’s notes over to the FBI …
The confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh shifts the court far to the right, putting women’s reproductive rights, civil rights, environmental protections, worker’s rights, the ability to implement gun safety rules and the ability to hold presidents accountable at risk for a generation.
— Sen Dianne Feinstein (@SenFeinstein) October 6, 2018
Kavanaugh replaced Kennedy who was far from a leftist judge.
And look at that, FEAR FEAR FEAR. How the Chinese spy she employed could stand to work for her for 20 years is beyond us.
Really gonna be a shock to your system when Trump gets the chance to replace RBG.
— Bill (@BillyBlue37) October 6, 2018
— Doggy Mom (@Brewen) October 6, 2018
— ??? ????????? (@thefassnacht) October 7, 2018
Henny Penny posts apocalyptic red meat for her drooling minions, again.
None of your assertions are true, but you know that. Your quest for power via activists courts to legislate from the bench has come to an end, and you can’t accept it.
— Dwarfclone (@Dwarfclone) October 7, 2018
We did everything we could to assassinate the guys character drug his family through the slime of false and fantastic accusations.
That didn't work. Let's get back to policy!!
— Paul H Jossey (@PaulHJossey) October 6, 2018
Disgusting ain’t it?
ROTFLOL, you think you’re sad now? Just wait ???
— Harry M Knight (@HarryMKnight) October 7, 2018
Make. This. Happen. Trump.
@CNNPolitics By the grace of God the truth will be revealed. You created an unnecessary circus! We all know the letter was sent to you in confidence & you broke her confidence. You smeared your already tainted name. Na na na na, Na na na na, hey, hey good-bye. #WalkAway
— Karen Lawrence (@KarenLawrence13) October 6, 2018
Not really but what else would we expect from you. You showed your true self with the despicable actions you took to try and derail Justice Kavanaugh. Like Senator Graham said, all you want is power and God help us all if you get it.
— soxfan4life (@soxfanforevah) October 7, 2018
I bet you won't gamble on last minute saves again, eh? Disclose all you got at the beginning… Not the end.
— Salty Nymph of Evil (@ComrieQuinn) October 6, 2018
you are so out of touch with America
— jclady (@jclady01) October 7, 2018
And your opinions mean less today than yesterday.
— K Ham (@keithfhamilton) October 6, 2018
Bring on the midterms!
Literally SHAKING (from laughter): Top 10 UNHINGED Lefty responses to Kavanaugh’s confirmation
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