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Is THIS why Dems won't hand the letter over?! Even the WAY Ford 'submitted' her letter to Feinstein is shady AF

Did we mention things just seem to be getting worse and worse for Ford because WHOA NELLY, do they ever.

So, about that letter …

Wait, let’s try that again.


THAT letter.

You know, the one Feinstein keeps refusing to hand over to Republicans without it first being censored? The one where Ford made her accusations against Kavanaugh?

Turns out she sent the letter to Rep. Anna G. Eshoo, NOT Feinstein.

Now, why oh why would Ford have done that?

As it should.

Why wouldn’t she send the letter directly to Feinstein, who absolutely had jurisdiction?

Well well well, whaddya know?


Sounds like she may have been trying to avoid getting busted if her allegations were proven false.

*adjusts tinfoil hat*

Could be.

Fair, this editor had to read it about a dozen times to really GET IT (why does legalese read like stereo instructions written in Japanese?).

So who told her? And why?


Almost like it was a political smear campaign from the get-go.

Just vote.


GAME OVER! Kimberley Strassel shares WaPo reporter’s email further DISCREDITING Ford (and the media!)

Aren’t they supposed to #BelieveWomen? New development could be BAD (like REAL bad) for Keith Ellison

Biggest self-own EVER?! Michael Cohen sends very MOVING and inspiring tweet … about himself (Lanny Davis to the rescue!)

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