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OH NOEZ! Dem lawmaker admits evidence is lacking to impeach Trump and the Resistance totally loses its SH*T

Democrats are finally starting to admit what we normal people have known for over a year … they do not have enough evidence to actually impeach Trump.

For anything.


From The Hill:

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) said Sunday there is not enough evidence yet to bring impeachment proceedings against President Trump.

On ABC’s “This Week,” Swalwell said Trump is not above the law, but Democrats don’t have enough evidence yet to say that he has committed a high crime and misdemeanor.

“We don’t want to be as reckless with the facts as he is,” he said. “I think having thorough investigations, putting forth an impenetrable case, doing it in a bipartisan way is the proper way to do this, but we’re not there yet.”

It’s Swalwell … HA HA HA HA HA HA.

He can’t admit it, but the only thing Trump has really done that they can’t accept is beat Hillary. That’s why they want him impeached because let’s face it, Democrats are the sorest of sore losers.

Watch this meltdown:

This is pathetic, EL OH EL.

Find a reason to impeach Trump because he doesn’t like him.

And they wonder why we make fun of them.

There’s still hope!

But not really.


These poor, sad souls.



They can’t deal.


Aren’t they adorable in a sad and silly way?


Mueller has become Santa to these people.

Which would be hilarious if it wasn’t so absolutely pathetic.


Don’t FALL for it! Sharyl Attkisson takes the media’s ridiculous, divisive narrative APART in 1 perfect tweet

STEP OFF! Dana Loesch DROPS Ted Lieu for targeting her in tweet exploiting Jacksonville shooting for votes

LMFAO, seriously?! David Hogg ‘threatening’ Smith & Wesson is NOT going well for him (like, AT ALL)

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