So MSNBC, we have to say that this whole ignoring the fact that Joy Reid originally blamed time-traveling hackers for her blog posts and you ignored that in your statement thing is going really well.
— AM Joy w/Joy Reid (@amjoyshow) June 2, 2018
They should definitely use more CAPS when they tweet, it makes Joy seem so rational and sane.
And hey, what about Ben Rhodes?
It's safe to assume every one of these guests is cool and/or agrees with @JoyAnnReid's homophobic racist, sexist, violent, truther blog posts. They all appeared on her show and said nothing about her disgusting blog posts so there's really no other conclusion to draw. #TheirRules
— Derek Hunter (@derekahunter) June 2, 2018
Yup. According to the Left’s doctrine, if you engage with someone who has questionable ideas and beliefs and you don’t call them out for said ideas and beliefs that means you agree with them.
Them’s the rules.
Putin made Joy say very homophobic things on her blog.
— ?? Op Mockingbird (@VexVolition) June 2, 2018
We thought it was the magical time-traveling hackers.
— Attis Nihilisticles (@ANihilisticles) June 2, 2018
Are they all truthers like you?
— David Dunn (@davidhldunn) June 2, 2018
Yippee indeed.
When will the media start with the "Do you denounce Joy Reid?" game?
Oh, wait….they don't do that to the Left…..
— Blue State Snooze (@BlueSnoozeBlue) June 3, 2018
How is it that the host of @amjoyshow is still allowed to post on Twitter, @jack, while #GayPatriot is not?
— Burbank (@HarlanRoberts4) June 2, 2018
Fair question. Plenty of well-known Conservatives are missing from Twitter for writing far less hateful and bigoted things.
Again with the double standard.
It’s almost to the point of it being boring.
#JoyAnnReid really is a disgrace to the #liberals the deal is they are too stupid to realize it. Sorta like #BillClinton #metoo also too bad folks dont see how Hillary victim shamed & ruined lives
— dlmcbrayer (@dlmcbrayer) June 2, 2018
Don’t worry, we see it.
And so did the rest of the country.
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