Rep. Eric Swalwell has had a terrible, horrible, no-good, very BAD week, and it all started with his epically EMBARRASSING appearance on Tucker Carlson.
In case you missed it, or want to watch it AGAIN, here ya’ go:
Wow, right?
We haven’t seen someone lose it this badly on Tucker since Kurt Eichenwald; notice how he starts to rock at one point during the interview, sort of like a toddler who isn’t getting his way?
Starting to wonder if this actually may have broken Swalwell because he has been tweeting a whole lotta stupid since the appearance, particularly at the NRA and Dan Bongino. For example, this video seemed to trigger the representative:
"Members of Congress, VVIPs, athletes, entertainers and others get to have men and women with #firearms to protect them, while the same said imbeciles up on Capitol Hill want to take away your right to protect your kids. And @RepSwalwell has no answer for that." —@dbongino #NRA
— NRATV (@NRATV) May 22, 2018
Swalwell’s answer was screeching at Tucker that the cops are out-gunned (which is a lie) and then accusing Tucker of not caring about children getting shot. We told you, it was spectacularly bad …
And this tweet in response to Bongino is right up there.
When the @NRA is attacking you, you’re doing something right. Children have a right to live. Their leaders oppose that. Let’s be louder. #EnoughIsEnough
— Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) May 22, 2018
Swalwell, dude, stop when you’re behind.
What a stupid thing to tweet.
And seriously, for us to call that stupid says a lot, we see a LOT OF stupid. Think about it, we cover Chelsea Handler for Pete’s sake!
Now do Planned Parenthood. #childrenhavearighttolive
— Pixie ?? SS ☕️? (@pixiejss) May 23, 2018
Do you think Swalwell meant part of his tweet to support the pro-life movement? Heh
So you're Pro-Life now? Awesome!
— Bossypants BarnHard (@Leishac) May 23, 2018
People like you are the most ardent reason why people feel the need to arm themselves
— Covfefe Nationalist Buckeye (@NerkBuckeye) May 23, 2018
If you wanted to save children you wouldn’t support abortion. Hypocrite!
— David Cox (@surfd55) May 23, 2018
What he said.
I watched in awe last night as you appeared on @TuckerCarlson and made an utter fool of yourself. Your argument for gun control was idiotic. Your defense of the Capital Police as your bodyguards being outgunned was moronic. And your “evidence” regarding Trump/Russia was foolish!
— McOcowsio-Fartes (@Richmac33) May 23, 2018
We also sat in awe watching the interview, and not the good type of awe. More like the, ‘OMG did that really happen, no way that happened’ type of awe.
So why don’t we protect our children like we do our money (banks) and airports? Last time I checked there were lots of armed guards there.
— ⚓️??MAGA Retired MCPO(SS/SW) Sailor??⚓️ (@SailormanLarry) May 23, 2018
Swalwell’s solution is banning firearms and making legal gun-owners keep their guns at a gun range or club.
Yeah, he’s not that bright.
Can you answer one simple question for us; do you have armed guards around you?
— Marc – 153 (@MarcMX153) May 25, 2018
We’ll answer for him.
Yes, he does.
And guess who pays for them?
YOUR MOM: Conservatives light Chelsea Clinton UP for her latest, ANTI-AMERICAN dig at Trump
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