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'2-time LOSER?' Hillary says she will remove 'wife' as the first word of her bio; HILLARY-ITY followed


We’re pretty sure the fact that you’re a wife had very little to do with how badly you lost the election BUT whatever you need to tell yourself so you can sleep at night.


In fact, it would seem that her lack of attention to the good people of Wisconsin was a far bigger issue … just sayin’.

Oooh, how modern woman and stuff.

Girl power!

*eye roll*

Sorta clunky but accurate.


Nobody has worked so hard to lose so much in the last decade … surely that counts for something.


Sensing a theme here, Hilldawg.

Maybe she should just stick with wife?


‘Leave him ALONE!’ Dana Loesch WALLOPS vile gun-grabber for calling Kyle Kashuv a terrorist

DA-YUM! ‘The Young JERK’ Cenk Uygur gets a RUDE awakening after UGLY attack on Kanye West

TFG -> Blue-check continues blaming Ben Shapiro for mosque shooting, @neontaster and others SCHOOL

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