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'You're nasty and VILE ...' Patrick Petty, who lost his sister in Parkland shooting, DROPS David Hogg

David Hogg didn’t make a ton of friends yesterday after he tried to silence Laura Ingraham for quoting his words about colleges not accepting him and then turning her away when she apologized to him.


Fine, if you think Laura went too far with her mockery that’s one thing, but for David to all but spit in her face when she apologized was quite another. And far worse.

Oh, and then the endless virtue signaling …

Pretty sure we’ve heard more than enough from THIS particular Stoneman Douglas student … maybe he should listen to a classmate who actually lost his sister in the shooting.

Patrick Petty called David out:


And hey guys, Patrick is another a ‘kid’ so this is ok, right?

Yes, David has been vile and nasty to others, and knowing that he hasn’t actually reached out to the victims of the shooting, those who lost loved ones, speaks volumes about what his real goals.

Twitter embraced Patrick and his family:

That’s why the Left LOVES using them as political shields.



Patrick’s dad. ^

Keep this family in your prayers, folks.


‘You’re LYING.’ Kyle Kashuv OWNS ‘unhinged hypocrite’ Kurt Eichenwald, tells him to act like an ADULT

YOU FIRST: Ben Shapiro calls David Hogg OUT, looks forward to HIS apology for referring to GOP as sick f*ckers

Laura Ingraham advertiser caves to David Hogg’s boycott demand, INSTANT backfire ensues

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