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'They've called me a Nazi and a racist': Bari Weiss leaving NYT, publishes powerful yet damning resignation letter (screenshots)

One of the lone voices of sanity and reason at the New York Times, Bari Weiss, is leaving.

Sorry, let us try that again.

She’s been bullied into leaving … at least that’s our takeaway from reading her resignation letter.


From Vice:

Bari Weiss, a writer and editor for the embattled New York Times Opinion section, has resigned from the paper.

When reached by phone, Weiss did not want to offer any further comment beyond confirming that she was out. According to an internal source, she was removed from the staff directory sometime in the past week.

A controversial figure inside and outside the paper, Weiss leaves in the wake of what she recently described as a civil war at the Times between “(mostly young) wokes” and “(mostly 40+) liberals.” That war reached its apex when Opinion head James Bennet, who had been widely tipped as a potential replacement for top Times editor Dean Baquet, left the paper after publishing an op-ed in which Senator Tom Cotton called for the use of the military force against protestors.

A civil war.

Sounds about right.


Because they’re clearly so concerned with ‘balance’.


Woke and woker.


Weiss published her resignation letter and HOOBOY:

Can’t help but wonder why she didn’t file some sort of hostile working environment claim …

This is freaking awful.

We could bore you with the typical morons badgering her and making fun of her letter (oooh, the poor conservative, boo hoo) but considering they’re only proving her point, we’ll just leave it at the letter itself.

Pretty sure she said all that needs to be said.



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