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'I know for a FACT Obama admin sent letters directly TO Soleimani': Michael Doran blows the whistle BIG TIME on John Kerry and Iran (wow!)

John Kerry still hasn’t figured out when to just walk away … sorry, slink away. We suppose his ego is more important to him than the country, otherwise, he wouldn’t have penned a ridiculous and whiny op-ed for the New York Times accusing Trump of ‘destroying’ what ‘we’ve’ built with Iran.


Because bowing to and funding terrorists was such a good thing for America to be associated with.

Michael Doran seems to have taken issue with John’s crap-piece and took it upon himself to be a whistleblower.


Check it out.

Ooooh, tell us more, Mike.

We’re not holding our breath on this but MAN wouldn’t that be something else?

The country has the right to know what our president was saying and doing on our so-called behalf with Iran. Absolutely.


Scandal-free, right Obama?

We triple-dog-dare them.

Not all heroes wear capes.


The horror.

If he’s serious about blowing whistles this would be a good place to start.


This is gonna get so GOOD.

We hope.



It’s ON: Mitch McConnell calls Nancy Pelosi’s bluff, backs measure to change Senate rules and dismiss impeachment without articles

Get these broads a mirror! Janice Dean shuts the ‘ladies’ on The View DOWN for whining that Meghan McCain is ‘so rude’

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