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Green with Jealousy? Vanity Fair Race Obsessive Mad White House Dyed Fountain Green for St. Patty's Day


It's always something with the left. When they aren't outraged over Christmas or complaining about culturally insensitive Halloween costumes, they're demanding excessive representation of every conceivable cultural expression on the planet.


Well, except the Christian ones, of course.

Lol, what?

Franklin, honey.


Similar to their attempts at mocking conservatives over DEI, they can't quite get, 'identity politics,' down either. Plus that was soooo 2018.

Never capable of recognizing when they make an embarrassing mistake, Franklin, naturally, doubled down.

Franklin seems to think celebrating any aspect of any culture must be, 'identity politics,' despite no politics being involved.

This is identity politics.


Truth is, he has no idea why he's mad. He just wants to dunk on something, anything at all, associated with Trump.

Oh but he will, and he'll walk away from this smugly satisfied he was right and triggered all those ignorant MAGA idiots.

The left never learns.


For an activist, everything is political, everything is significant, and everything validates their core beliefs.

Apparently, the left doesn't know there are black Irish and Catholic people.

The race obsessed left can only understand the world through race, identity, and politics. Of course they find offense in something as silly as a green-dyed fountain on St. Patrick's Day.

'But what about MY politics? What about MY identity? Why isn't today about ME!?'

Green with jealousy... and stupidity apparently.

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