Ding, ding, ding!
As Twitchy reported, this happened Monday:
MT @NBCNightlyNews: Defense Sect'y Hagel forced to resign; "He wasn't up to the job," senior official tells NBC News http://t.co/AbJaO6zOLB
— Steve Herman (@W7VOA) November 24, 2014
Greta Van Susteren slammed the White House on its pitiful semantics spin. Now, here is a reminder for the Obama administration:
During confirmation process EVERYONE said he wasn't up to the job – except WH! RE https://t.co/JPcvBwLuKk
— Brian Faughnan (@BrianFaughnan) November 24, 2014
Conservatives knew Hagel wasn't up for the job for years. His confirmation hearings SHOULD have clued everyone else in. But no.
— RBe (@RBPundit) November 24, 2014
Yep. Here are some reminders about that:
- Press secretary Carney says ‘we see momentum behind Hagel’s nomination.’ With a straight face!
- Ace of Spades shatters the media and the babbling ‘Zen of Chuck Hagel’
- Rob Lowe on bumbling Chuck Hagel: ‘Yikes! #TrainWreck’
- Some of his best trips are Jewish! Incompetent Hagel bumbles on Iran, Israel and everything else
- Snort: Senators reportedly in ‘shock’ over Hagel’s ineptitude, bumbling
- ‘Cruzed’! Senator Cruz crushes Hagel; Chuck Todd, other lapdogs try to save Hagel, slam Cruz
- Anti-Semite MJ Rosenberg tweets ‘talked about Israel with Hagel, happily he’s lying today’
- Zing! Brit Hume: ‘Bumbling’ Chuck Hagel ‘is just not very bright’
RESOLVED: It takes just 4 little words to respond to Hagel’s ouster:
FROM: Every Republican
TO: Every Democrat
RE: Chuck HagelWe told you so.
We told you so.
We told you so.
We told you so.— Dan McLaughlin (@baseballcrank) November 24, 2014
Ari Fleischer does spot one difference now, however.
Only difference between what WH aides are now saying about Hagel and what GOP said at his hearing is WH aides are talking anonymously.
— Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) November 24, 2014
Feckless. As always.
Semantics spin denied! Greta Van Susteren has a key question for WH on Hagel ouster
David Limbaugh spots ‘inevitable’ downside to Chuck Hagel’s ouster
These predictions for Obama’s ‘personal announcement’ after Hagel ouster are zing-tastic
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