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Hilarious: Paging Freud! Jim Carrey strokes own ego with marathon stint retweeting praise

Stop, our aching sides! That can’t be true, can it? Yes. Yes, it can.


No, he didn’t stop. He was totally self-affirming in a desperate bid to stroke his own ego. Poor little Jim is crying, because some people have dared to question his jackassery. He is a celebrity! You are to fawn over him only. Sheesh, you silly rubes bitterly clinging to truth and reason!

Look at the pitiful display: His feed is full of praising retweets. Earlier, he had been retweeting some of his critics.

And he really wants to make sure you know. So he retweeted them. Here a few, sad examples:



Speaking of desperate …

He’s so cool and stuff! Don’t you see?

He was in movies, sillies!



Huh. You mean like calling people “heartless motherf**kers“?




Oh, honey. We wouldn’t brag about that.

He continued that pathetic retweeting of praise all Easter day.

Check out his full feed, if you can stomach it. How should one school a Hollywood lib? With mockery, of course. And it was glorious.





Alas, that won’t work. It didn’t work for his caps lock problem nor for his emoticons snit fit issues.

Seek help, toots.


Sorry, Jim Carrey: Charlton Heston movies still in demand

#CarreysEmoticons: Jackass Jim Carrey’s Twitter snit fit hilarity continues

#CarreyCapsLock: Jim Carrey’s Twitter meltdown earns well-deserved smacking


Jim Carrey’s ‘Cold Dead Hand’: Hey, here’s a song for ‘heartless motherf*ckers unwilling to bend for the safety of our kids’; Update: Doubles down; Update: Video released

Hollywood hypocrite: Video roasts gun control nut Jim Carrey over movie violence

#AnswerTheQuestionJim: Will gun-grabbing hypocrite Jim Carrey denounce ‘Kick Ass 2′?; He bravely runs away

Jim Carrey’s ‘Cold Dead Hand’ song for ‘heartless motherf*ckers’ released; Mocks Charlton Heston, gun owners; Update: Foul lyrics added

#NewJimCarreyMovie: ‘Bruce Al-Gun-Grabby’ and other suggested hypocrite Jim Carrey films

Hey, why is Jim Carrey profiting off of dead children with iTunes sales of his foul anti-gun song?; Update: Carrey gloats

Jackass Jim Carrey on Twitter critics: ‘No wonder it’s so dangerous to be a child today’

Cold Dead Projection: Sexist Jim Carrey tweets that gun owners are ‘shooting blanks,’ ‘impotent’

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