The circular firing squads on the left and in the Democrat Party are only just beginning. Trump has only been in office for a couple of months and already AOC and John Fetterman are fighting, every leftist in the world -- specifically those in Hollywood -- hates Chuck Schumer, and former Democrat Kyrsten Sinema is enjoying some delicious schadenfreude with her erstwhile colleagues over their hypocrisy about the filibuster.
It's only a matter of time before AOC and the left's 'new hotness' Jasmine Crockett have a showdown and whoa Nellie, there are going to be some fireworks when that happens.
Amis all of this chaos on the left, we're not sure why the communists at Jacobin decided to resurrect a four-year-old article blasting Barack Obama and his legacy, but maybe they were thinking (as The Cranberries once said), 'Everyone else is doing it so why can't we?'
Since his retirement from politics, Barack Obama has displayed an astonishing lack of regard for the public good. Instead of serving his fellow human beings, he has mainly devoted himself to a rigorous program of conspicuous self-celebration.
— Jacobin (@jacobin) March 16, 2025
By the way, when we call the writers at Jacobin 'communists,' that's not us trying to insult them. That's what they say about themselves. They use the word 'socialists,' but they celebrate communism on their website pretty much every day, including regular paeans to Vladimir Lenin. Even MSNBC's Chris Hayes (or is that Rachel Maddow?) called them far-left extremists. He meant it as a compliment.
These communist tendencies are on full display in the 2021 article that Jacobin pushed on Twitter yesterday. They blast Obama for having a lavish party during Covid, but they blast the lavishness, not the hypocrisy. They HATE that he has luxury estates in Martha's Vinyard AND Hawaii, of course, which they call 'tumors.' And they rip him for tanking Bernie Sanders' presidential aspirations. But here is the crux of their criticism in calling Obama 'one of the worst ex-presidents ever':
We wouldn’t expect Obama, a centrist, to become a convert to socialism in his late middle age (though as a young person he did attend the Socialist Scholars Conference). But as a liberal he’s been badly deficient, squandering his considerable public platform and influence, providing little leadership on any of the major issues of the day, like income inequality, voter suppression, and climate change. Instead, when he’s not actively agitating against social and environmental progress, he’s been lounging on the Vineyard and on Branson’s yacht.
Hey, great news, Jacobin. Obama DID get involved in these issues in the 2024 campaign. How'd that work out for you and your pet causes that no one in America cares about?
Posting their own articles from…2021?
— AM (@AndMedh) March 16, 2025
We have to agree that this was just plain weird. But if Jacobin saw fit to boost this tirade yesterday, we're more than happy to drag them for it.
Hilariously, many on the left were ALSO more than happy to pile on Obama.
Well in his defense, he didn't have any regard for the public good while president unless you were a multi-millionaire.
— TK (@Chicago_Todd) March 16, 2025
That dude is a long way from being a community organizer. Imagine working that hard to become president, only to pal around with bankers, Hollywood movie stars, and Netflix executives. All while the world burns.
— Jamaal 🐅 ☮️ 🇵🇸 (@JamaalKemp8) March 16, 2025
I quibble with worst......but yeah
— DJ Mauri (@bluGrape2012) March 16, 2025
Jimmy Carter he's not.
— braniff (@Mwingrove1951L) March 16, 2025
HAHAHAHA. Delicious.
Then, of course, there were those on the left who were BIG mad that Jacobin would go after the man who many Democrats still consider a hero.
Guess how they framed their arguments.
And you disgusting lot of milk of magnesias are trying to do the same with Kamala after calling her all types of brown babies killing bitch. Trying to do the gotcha of if she thought democracy is so important where is she?! Living her life bc yall didn’t care about democracy.
— Ronnie Boadu (@ronnieboadu) March 17, 2025
Only privileged white crackers like miles would demand a Black man do more while he cosplays in Logan Square
— Jeff O (@JeffO773) March 16, 2025
Jacobin is racist
— Marm (@BlankAddd) March 16, 2025
Oh, this is getting really good. LOL. It's good to know that they don't only shout 'racism' at Republicans at the drop of a hat. They do that to each other, too.
All the while, conservatives just sat back and enjoyed the carnage.
— Chad Felix Greene 🇮🇱 (@chadfelixg) March 16, 2025
We're gonna need some popcorn to go with that milkshake.
Where were you during his reign?
— LG in AZ (@myfoureyedtribe) March 17, 2025
Wait until you find out what he did in politics
— Dan Stringer, SEC Pimp (@Danstringer74) March 16, 2025
They LOVED it when Obama said, 'I have a pen and a phone.'
We wonder how they're feeling about Trump's pen and phone these days.
Which he did the entire time he was in the White House. Thanks for finally noticing.
— MAGA Michele (@thewalkerseven) March 16, 2025
Since his retirement from politics, Barry has been busy cheating on his husband, Michelle, with Jennifer Aniston.
— Philip Boss (@Boss10Fit) March 16, 2025
To be clear, we cannot confirm that this happened even though everyone thinks that this happened.
— Dr. Honkitude (@Mr_Honkitude) March 16, 2025
No way
Nothing changed from his presidency. The Narcissist in Chief just moved.
— Mike Jones 🦘🤿🐊😱 (@MikemanCommeth) March 16, 2025
Remember when his chef died under mysterious circumstances and the whole story just went away?
— Greg W. 🛰🅰️ (@grw1177) March 16, 2025
Whew. Tough crowd.
— Moshe Hill (@HillWithView) March 17, 2025
We're not sure why Jacobin decided that yesterday would be a great time to resurrect their diatribe against Obama for not being communist enough for them, but we hope they do this some more with other old articles.
It'll be great for more laughs at the left's expense.
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