'You hate to see it. But, more than that, you love to see it.'
This famous line from comedian Dave Chappelle has become a staple meme on Twitter whenever the left organizes a circular firing squad. And with the Democrat Party in the state that it is in, there are going to be many more instances of leftists turning their guns inward. They have already disowned Senator John Fetterman (again) for sanely telling his party not to shut down the federal government.
But last night, when Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer caved to Republicans on the continuing resolution, indicating that he was planning on voting for the spending bill to keep the government open, you knew that the unhinged meltdowns would follow that decision quickly.
And when it comes to the left in America, you can't spell 'unhinged meltdown' without the letters 'K-E-I-T-H-O-L-B-E-R-M-A-N-N.'
Yes, it didn't take long for America's least favorite pee cryer to turn his frothy mouth on Schumer and lay into the Senator with a rabid, profane, and (of course) ALL-CAPS rant on Twitter.
Wow. He seems nice, right? And very stable.
This kind of insane screeching is par for the course for Olbermann, as we all know. Just a couple of weeks ago, he unleashed a similar F-bomb-laden tirade on Jeff Bezos for daring to want The Washington Post to write stories about personal liberty and free markets. (The horror!)
Needless to say, Twitter was very concerned for Olbermann's mental well-being after his most recent nuclear meltdown last night.
Or, you know, not.
Hahahahahaha https://t.co/xTAVT8YBA9
— Jarvis (@jarvis_best) March 14, 2025
Don't worry. It's OK to laugh at him. It's a great indicator for everyone else that we are sane.
Sir, table 4 needs more breadsticks
— The Narcissist Element (@seeemmeffell) March 14, 2025
Can you imagine the nightmare of having Olbermann as your waiter? He'd be liable to throw cutlery at you if you ordered anything off of the right side of the menu.
Glorious https://t.co/PSzjteG38E
— john jackson (@pvtjokerus) March 14, 2025
It's truly a sight to behold. No matter how unhinged any of his tweets are, we always know that the next one will be even MORE batpoop crazy.
— Jeffrey MacGinnis (@Jeff_MacG) March 14, 2025
SUCK IT, OLBERMANN!!!! pic.twitter.com/1fcLX1Z6Dp
Responding to Olbermann in ALL CAPS is the correct decision. We're fairly sure he cannot read lowercase letters.
(Seriously, though. The man is nearly as blind as a bat without his Coke bottle glasses.)
Calm down, sir.
— mark (@rhapsodyboard) March 14, 2025
This is unseemly for an otherwise very dignified and professional party. https://t.co/wxDsd2gQJ1
He fits in perfectly with all of those other healthy, totally-not-mentally-ill Democrats, doesn't he?
Keith have you ever thought of running for office yourself? You'd be great!
— David Frank Writes (@David_N_Frank) March 14, 2025
Oh ... oh, dear. Do we dare hope for that to happen?
As Homer Simpson might say, 'Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, PLEASE!'
You still taking piss pool swims? pic.twitter.com/E3gmsbbO8K
— 🇺🇸🇺🇸 Fixxxer 🇺🇸🇺🇸 (@KingFixxser) March 14, 2025
We just couldn't write a Twitchy about Olbermann without mentioning his infamous 'urine tears.'
Keith is one post away from the mental ward pic.twitter.com/VoyJNovAGV
— Brett Casey (@brettcasey) March 14, 2025
Let's be honest here. He crossed over that threshold a long time ago.
He needs to be in an asylum as a clear threat to himself and others.
Is this what daily day drinking is like? https://t.co/9F8MF0fv5v
— SPARC64 XII (@AppldSymphonics) March 14, 2025
No, most day drinkers usually do that to have fun.
Olbermann, stone-cold sober, is just this deranged. Frankly, we cannot imagine him if he was drunk tweeting like Jennifer Rubin. It would get very creepy, very fast.
All caps Olbermann is 🤌🏻 https://t.co/sTu46AC2zp
— toxic-positivity saboteur 📏💉😷🪟🏝️☕🚄⚽🫧 🛠️ (@RagtagRealist) March 14, 2025
It's 'chef's kiss' perfection, is it not?
I thought you moved to Ireland? 🤔
— Jason_FLMAN🐊 (@jason_flman) March 14, 2025
It is a bit uncanny how much Olbermann and Rosie O'Donnell are starting to resemble each other.
Just like Mark Cuban and Rachel Maddow.
I bet $5 he hit shift every letter instead of using caps lock.
— King Ringo (@ringothefirst) March 14, 2025
LOL. Oh, most certainly.
Furiously stabbing his two forefingers at his keyboard and spitting out expletives as he hate-typed each and every letter.
Did not have this on my 2025 bingo card https://t.co/FibXhlg2S4
— Chris (@LouisianaVet) March 14, 2025
Olbermann going all 'LEEEEROY JENKINS!' on his own party should always be on everyone's bingo card.
He's like a chimpanzee flinging its poo in the zoo. It's going to go flying everywhere, and he doesn't care who gets hit.
As much fun as Twitter was having in mocking Olbermann, everyone was equally overjoyed at the infighting.
https://t.co/2Opqme9Gje pic.twitter.com/OQjBLNbrAH
— Mirimba (@FairWakeBake) March 14, 2025
Magnificent cleansing fire.
The America hating left eating each other is pretty entertaining pic.twitter.com/0WpGNkz1zQ
— Stanley Bernfield (@stannny71) March 14, 2025
If the next four years are like these first couple of months, we're going to need a LOT more popcorn.
Thought you were leaving Twitter (X) never to return ?
— WakeUpCall (@back_up_call) March 14, 2025
Just another @KeithOlbermann lie https://t.co/3nFFCnBCnI
This is true. But we're going to forgive Olbermann for never being able to quit Twitter for good.
We laugh so hard every time he tweets, we'd almost hate to see him leave forever.
We just hope that when he is inevitably (and involuntarily) committed, they let him bring his phone with him into the padded room.
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