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The Left Wasn't REALLY Mad at Bruce Fischer, They Just Took Their Impotent Rage Out on Him


For most of us, January 6 is just another day at the beginning of the new year. For the batpoop insane left, however, it is the WORST DAY IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD.

The only problem is, no one outside of their bubble believes that anymore (smart or even just rational people never did). And it has driven them even crazier than usual. 

One of the official Washington events that took place this year on January 6 (after Kamala Harris had to certify her own crushing defeat in the 2024 election, which was just schadenfreudelicious) was the swearing-in of Senators as part of the 119th Congress (a duty Harris also had to begrudgingly perform). 

As we all know, the big news that came out of that ceremonial event was that Bruce Fischer, husband to Senator Deb Fischer of Nebraska, 'refused' to shake Harris' hand. In truth, Mr. Fischer is disabled and has to stand and walk with a cane, which he was holding in his right hand. His left hand was holding the Bible his wife took her oath on. Harris, self-absorbed and oblivious as always, failed to notice any of this and tried to shake his hand anyway. 

And then the kerfuffle began.

As Twitchy has reported, the left reached new lows in calling Fischer some of the worst names in the world for his 'refusal.' And these were not just fringe crazies on Twitter. Actual reporters and elected officials participated in this public lynching of a man who objectively did nothing wrong. Biden fanboy Chris Jackson, a County Commissioner in Tennessee, even went so far as to dig into Fischer's past -- before he had to rely on a cane -- to PROVE that he was intentionally disrespecting Harris. 

Probably because 'racism' ... or something. 

It was all very embarrassing for the left -- or would have been if they had any sense of shame. But it begged the question, 'Why were they getting so unhinged about a non-story involving a handshake, an elderly man, and his cane?'

For that answer, we have to go back to the first paragraph of this article. The left went ballistic because the day they love to celebrate (yes celebrate) as worse than 9/11, Pearl Harbor, the Civil War, and probably the Black Plague combined is just not selling with the American people. It never truly did, but the 2024 election proved that America is done with January 6.

I cannot take credit for this realization. The tweet that opened my eyes to what was really going on came from the Twitter account of @IzaBooboo. Here it is: 

This is it. One hundred percent this. One THOUSAND percent this. 

They were so furious that no one else was genuflecting at the altar of their sacred 'insurrection' that they decided to pile on an innocent old man to express their impotent rage. 

This also explains why it wasn't just the usual leftist social media 'influencers' who went into paroxysms of rage over a handshake. It was journalists because the media has pushed the January 6 lie harder than anyone. It was elected officials on the left because America just rejected their false narrative once and for all. 

And it's not like they are going to be able to bring back the January 6 gaslighting again. Trump is out of office forever after this term. The 2024 election was the final nail in the coffin of four straight years of trying to crucify the January 6 protesters (and almost 10 years of demonizing Trump). 

Oh, sure. They'll make whoever is the next Republican nominee for President 'worse than Hitler' too (or they'll try), but they won't have January 6 as the lynchpin for their lies. It won't have the same effect. 

It. Is. Over. 

And, boy howdy, do they hate that. Viscerally. 

Of course, there is also a lot of truth to the other part of IzaBooboo's tweet: that the left is still simply furious that Trump won. January 6, 2024, made that reality sink in for them when his resounding election win was certified. 

No more lawfare, that failed. 

No more trying to remove him from the ballot. That failed. 

Trump will be President again on January 20 and there's nothing they can do about it.

So, they lashed out. They didn't care who they were lashing out against, or why, they just picked a target and spewed bile at him all day.

I'm guessing they don't realize that says a lot more about them than it does about Bruce Fischer.

Of course, there is another very rational theory about why the left went so bananas toward Fischer. 

They are simply not nice people. They are ALWAYS filled with hate. Most of it may be directed at Trump in recent years, but it has broken and consumed them so much that they will eagerly let it spill over to anyone who doesn't fall in line with them.

The left would do well to heed the words of Booker T. Washington, who said, 'I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.'

Except they'd have to have souls first to follow that advice. I'm not really seeing that from the people who believe that boys can be girls, men can have babies, and abortion is 'healthcare.'

But at the very least, the rest of America can be happy that the long national nightmare of January 6 -- not the event itself, but the endless, false narrative surrounding it -- is over. 



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