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UNHINGED Biden Zealot Trips Over His Own Feet Trying to Prove Stroke Survivor Really IS a Big Ol' Racist

Meme screenshot

We have to give it to Chris Jackson, we have yet to see any supposed normie love a president so dearly that he or she is willing to humiliate themselves this way over and over and over again. Even the paid pundits weren't crazy enough to go through years and years of footage to somehow find proof that a man holding a Bible and using a cane was actually just some racist meanie.


No, really.

He thought he had Bruce Fischer here, lol:

So Jackson went back ELEVEN YEARS to prove Bruce Fischer is somehow a racist or whatever for not shaking Kamala's hand.

Who does that?

Wait, don't answer that.

Welp, if you want to know how badly this went over, check out who fact-checked him:

Dude. Bro. When even Brian Stelter is fact-checking you? Oof.

Get this, then Jackson went out and did more research and found ANOTHER VIDEO proving Fischer is truly EVIL, mwahahahaha!


Six years ago.

Note, Bruce Fischer had a stroke in the last six years ... 

Jackson is just a hot mess; the next four years could be rough on the lil fella.

This is not ignorance. This is a level of zealotry we haven't seen in decades.


Yes. No. Yes.

Any more questions?

But Joe Biden is his best good friend!




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