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'Word Salad City': Even David Axelrod Couldn't Believe How Bad Kamala Was in CNN Townhall

AP Photo/Matt Marton

You know the old political saw. 'When you've lost David Axelrod ...'

OK, that's not actually a political adage, but if the rapidly sinking Titanic that is the Kamala Harris presidential campaign continues on its present trajectory, it may become one after the 2024 election is said and done. 


Last night, to the abject misery of everyone who watched it, the current vice president appeared at a CNN Town Hall with Anderson Cooper where her primary closing message to voters seemed to consist of 'Orange Man Bad!' and 'That's an interesting question, so I will proceed to not answer it and just prattle on about nothing for five minutes.'

Harris's non-answers were so bad, in fact, that 'Obama's Brain' David Axelrod went on CNN afterward and labeled it with a phrase so damning -- and accurate -- we would not be surprised to see his words in a Trump ad later this week. Watch: 



To make things even worse, remember that Harris actually paused her campaign for TWO DAYS to 'prepare' for that appearance. You know, just like President Xi would delay an invasion of Taiwan for a few days so she could get ready for it.


In retrospect, Harris hiding from any and all press interviews like she did for the first six or seven weeks since she was installed seems like it would have been the better strategy. 

Like we said, the Trump ad basically writes itself. 

HEY. That was our line, Miller. LOL. 

Make no mistake. Axelrod is a die-hard Democrat and a loyal Obama flack. But we have to believe that, deep down, as a political pro, Harris's endless gibberish answers cut him to the quick. And he just had to let it out. 

That tweet ends with 'It must be painful.' And that sums up Axelrod's reaction. He was in pain. 



Hey, he said it, not us. 

We don't think he's going to be alone there over the next two weeks. 


That office seems more her speed. But we're not sure she could win that election either. 

Those are some pretty big clown shoes to fill, given that the Democrats' last candidate was Joe Biden. 

But even Biden, amid rapid-onset dementia in the 2020 election, could manage more coherent answers than Harris can. (Well, sometimes.)

LOL. Maybe your group could open for the E Street Band the next time Bruce Springsteen desperately tries to save Harris with a concert. 


There will be many other long knives coming out soon if the momentum of the election keeps moving toward Trump. 

We looked. It hurt us severely, but we looked. Such a clip simply does not exist. 

That is really the only critique of Axelrod's analysis. He claimed that Kamala Harris goes to 'Word Salad City' when she doesn't want to answer a question. 

In reality, she hops on the bus to that destination with EVERY question, even the ones she does want to answer. 

And as we all know, the wheels on that bus go 'round and 'round. 

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