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LIGHT. HER. UP! Texas AG Ken Paxton Sues Doctor for Illegally Giving 'Gender Care' to Minors

Jay Janner/Austin American-Statesman via AP

Ever since America began waking up to the horrors of the gender cult and specifically to the crime of providing children with 'gender-affirming care,' sane people have always said that the only way to end this abomination would be to hold institutions and medical professionals accountable for destroying lives while they line their pockets and create lifelong dependents to their ministrations.


Many states have outlawed the practice of giving puberty blockers, high-dose hormones, and even surgeries to minors. But, as whistleblowers have shown, some doctors are ignoring those laws and continuing to destroy kids. The Biden-Harris administration's response to those reports has been to intimidate and prosecute the whistleblowers. 

Truly disgusting.

This week in Texas, however, Attorney General Ken Paxton has finally said, 'ENOUGH!' 

In a suit filed by the state, Texas is seeking to hold accountable one doctor who has consistently and repeatedly violated Texas law to administer hormones to dozens of children. 

The rest of the tweet reads: 

My office has sued a North Texas doctor for blatantly violating Texas law by providing prohibited “gender transition” treatments to nearly two dozen minors. 

Senate Bill 14, a Texas law that took effect in September 2023 and was upheld by the Texas Supreme Court in June 2024, prohibits “gender transition” medical interventions such as surgeries, puberty blockers, and cross-sex hormones for minors. Growing scientific evidence strongly suggests that “gender transition” interventions prescribed to or performed on children in an attempt to anatomically or hormonally alter their biological sex characteristics have damaging, long-term consequences. Additionally, the prohibited treatments are experimental, and no scientific evidence supports their supposed benefits. 

Texas law also directs that the Texas Medical Board “shall revoke the medical license or other authorization to practice medicine of a physician who violates” the provisions of SB14.  

Evidence obtained by my office revealed that a Dallas-area doctor illegally provided high-dose cross-sex hormones to twenty-one minor patients for the direct purpose of “transitioning” the child’s biological sex. The doctor allegedly used false diagnoses and billing codes to mask these unlawful prescriptions. 

Texas passed a law to protect children from these dangerous unscientific medical interventions that have irreversible and damaging effects. Doctors who continue to provide these harmful ‘gender transition’ drugs and treatments will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.


Using 'false diagnoses and billing codes to violate the law' and 'trans the kids.' Pure Evil. Not surprisingly, this is exactly what the whistleblowers in Texas alleged was happening. 

The full petition is available from the Texas AG Office, but some of the details include: 

  • The name of the doctor, May C. Lau, a radical gender activist
  • Her administration of high-dose testosterone cypionate to 22 young girls between the ages of 14-17, despite the fact that this hormone is not indicated to be administered to females. 
  • Lau engaged in 'false, misleading, or deceptive acts' by claiming the testosterone prescriptions were for other conditions such as 'endocrine disorders,' and not to irreversibly alter the girls' secondary sex characteristics.
  • Texas seeks a full injunction against Lau's practices while the suit proceeds.
  • Lau faces financial penalties of $10,000 per violation and also paying all of the state's legal fees and court costs.

While not explicitly stated in this petition, Lau will also likely face revocation of her license to practice medicine.

If you don't know who Vanessa Sivadge is, she is one of the whistleblowers mentioned above who raised the alarm that this was taking place ... and then had the FBI come knocking on her door for telling the truth. 


She deserves the vindication that this suit could bring. 

There are many lawsuits in progress already, including from Chloe Cole. But we think this may be the first one where a state government is seeking penalties and putting the full force of the government behind the suit. 

All of the civil penalties sought against Lau would be crippling, well in excess of $1 million when all of the legal and court fees are taken into account.


The French Senate has called 'gender-affirming care' the greatest ethical scandal in medical history

And they are correct. 

As Twitchy covered back in July, Elon Musk knows what he is talking about regarding this issue

So does Prisha. 

This is a good start in that direction. 

We understand where Billboard Chris is coming from, not to mention the hundreds of others who called for criminal charges and prison sentences. 

But we have faith in Paxton that, if he is bringing this suit, he will also seek criminal charges against Lau in due course. As well as any other medical professionals who are violating Texas law. 

For now, this is still outstanding news.


When the state outlaws a practice and doctors continue to circumvent the law, this is the only way to stop them. 

But if this suit succeeds, not to mention Cole's suit against Kaiser Permanente, these practices will come to a stop so quickly it will make heads spin. 

We want to see these 'doctors' and institutions face hard prison time as well. That is what they deserve. For now, we are happy to see that Texas and Paxton are doing what they can to make sure May Lau cannot destroy the lives of any more children. 

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