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Oh, the Irony: Kamala Claims to Have 'Stood Strong Against Elder Abuse' in DNC Acceptance Speech

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Like everyone else this morning, there is one question on our lips after staying up to watch Kamala Harris become the first black, Indian, cackling, and possibly alcoholic woman to accept the nomination for President of the United States last night: 


'Where was Beyonce?'

In true Democrat 'promise everything, deliver nothing' fashion, the Bey rumors were simply a trick to get people not to reach for the remote during the cavalcade of cringe that was the final night of the Democratic National Convention. When Harris's big moment came a little after 10:30 PM, our brains were sufficiently numbed by all the cringe that came beforehand, we're betting Democrats hoped we wouldn't notice Harris's acceptance speech was as devoid of serious policy proposals as her website

Instead, we got a highly fictionalized version of her life story, leaving out her upper-class upbringing and her California ... ahem ... dating history, among many other things. 

But even in that glossed-over history, one moment stood out to us as Harris talked about her formative years. Did you know she was a champion of the elderly? 

LOL. Yep, it's true. Watch:  


Did anyone wake up Joe Biden's zombified corpse so he could hear Harris talking about how she stood up for seniors facing elder abuse? Or did 'Doctor' Jill give him some 'nighty-night medicine' to make sure he didn't get to see that? 

Not only did Harris watch silently for years as Biden was propped up in front of the American people Weekend at Bernie's-style, but when the time came that he was no longer useful, she was part of the posse that defenestrated him so she could assume power. 


What a champion for seniors she is. 

In a poll conducted at the end of July, ninety-two percent of people said they believed Harris knew how badly Biden was declining over the past four years. You can't get 92 percent of people to agree that water is wet these days, but 92 percent know that to be true. 

They lied, gaslit, and projected everything else during all four nights of the DNC, why not lie about this too? 

HA. We haven't seen Tucker Carlson's reaction to that line yet, but we imagine it would look exactly like that (followed by Carlson's trademarked guffaw). 

Come on, man. That's a bunch of malarky. No joke. 

Here's a good video showing all of the highlights of how strongly Harris has fought for seniors over the past few years: 


Harris likes to tout her early career as a prosecutor, so maybe she should have a look at that video. It's what prosecutors might call 'Exhibit A' of how she was an active participant in elder abuse.  

Sadly, she can make it up. And she'll keep making everything up because her whole candidacy is science fiction.

'Doctor' Jill deserves to be arrested, but so does everyone else in the Biden White House, including Harris herself. 

We never thought we would shed a tear for Biden after what he's done to America for the past four years. And we still won't, but it is kind of sad in a sick sort of way how everyone used and abused him. 

Until they decided it was time to take Old Yeller back behind the barn. 

We at least hope they bought him a final cone of double chocolate, chocolate chip beforehand. 


Yeah, we really do think, Alanis. 

We're not going to say that Harris should be ashamed of herself. She should, but it is long-established that Democrats are incapable of shame or embarrassment. They just tell their lies and expect us to believe them with no questions asked. The DNC was simply all of that gathered together on a big stage for four days. 

Most of Harris's speech was a big letdown, based on Twitter trends. After she had finished, there was only one part of her speech that was trending (not counting the 'Where was Beyonce?' question). It was these few seconds of her 37-minute oratory, 'Kamala Harris Claims Stance on Elder Abuse.' 

Yeah, something tells us that America is onto the lies that Democrats spin. Even the media lapdogs are not going to be able to cover this one up. 

We're just grateful that Biden was probably too sedated to hear it. 

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