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'The Coward's Way Out': Mother of Soldier Slain in Iraq BLASTS Tim Walz for Abandoning His Unit


The Democrats are definitely second-guessing the selection of socialist Governor Tim Walz as Kamala Harris's running mate. Pay no attention to the fake smiles and excitement you see on networks like CNN and MSNBC, or the even more fake tweets from 'influencers' talking about how Walz knows how to change a tire. ... or something.  


Underneath that flimsy illusion, they're realizing that they did not vet Walz at all. And it is biting them right in their blue tuchusses. His radical positions of putting tampons in boys' bathrooms, signing legislation that takes children away from parents who don't go along with the gender cult, or signing even more abhorrent legislation that protects pedophiles are completely out of line with the majority of Americans. (We won't even get into -- ahem -- the horse semen story.)

Aside from all of that, however, the real scandal that is burying Walz right now is his blue falcon military history, where he claimed to have served in Afghanistan where he 'bore weapons of war in war' (he did not), and then conveniently retiring from the National Guard (NOT as a Command Sergeant Major, as he claimed), leaving his unit high and dry as they were set to deploy to Iraq. 

It was bad enough when other veterans were calling Walz out and humiliating his cowardice and lies with their own photos of serving in combat. Yesterday, it just got WAY worse for him.

Enter the Gold Star families. 

In an interview with The Daily Mail, Gold Star mother Kathy Miller ripped Walz a new exit hole, telling the tale of her son, Sergeant Kyle Miller of the 1st Battalion, 125th Field Artillery Regiment in the Minnesota Army National Guard. 

If that sounds familiar, yes, Sgt. Miller was part of the very same unit that Walz abandoned. 

Miller was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq on June 29, 2006. 


What Miller's mother said to The Daily Mail is nothing short of a tactical nuclear bomb dropped directly on Walz's head. 

When soldier Kyle Miller was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq on June 29, 2006, the man expected to lead them into combat was not there.

Tim Walz, who would go on to be Kamala Harris' running mate, left his Minnesota National Guard unit two months before it deployed - and some will never trust him again.

That includes Miller's mother who delivered a damning verdict on Walz's character, accusing him of taking the 'coward's way out' and 'running away' by opting to campaign for Congress instead of going to Iraq to face danger with her son.

In an emotional interview with, nearly two decades after 19-year-old Kyle's death, Kathy Miller said: ‘I don’t think it’s fair that (Walz) takes credit when he didn’t step up to the plate.

'Walz claims a rank he never earned. When he was called to serve, and protect our country he didn’t. 

'To publicly present false prestige of his unearned rank an inaccurate representation, is a falsehood of who he truly is. 

'My son stepped up to the plate. All our sons stepped up.

'My son wasn’t even 21 years old. He couldn’t even buy alcohol. Yet he took the step to serve our country while Walz found the best way to run away.' 

'It was the coward's way out.'

If that is not enough, Miller also said that when her son's body was returned home to Minnesota, she never heard from Walz. Not even a message from his office. 


Disgraceful. Unforgivable. Cowardly. Choose your damning epithet. They all apply. 

No, this story isn't going away. 

We suppose there's one way for Walz to escape it though. He could run away again, stepping down from the VP nomination now that things are getting hairy, just like he fled when his men were getting ready to be deployed to Iraq. 

Short of that, however, Walz has to answer for this. To Miller's mother, to the rest of his unit, and to America. 

Kyle Miller is a hero. He deserved far better from his Sergeant Major. And America deserves far better than Tim Walz.

Walz had no problem forgetting him. But he's about to be reminded and hard.

Believe it or not, there were a number of replies by 'Blue no matter who' cowards who actually called Kathy Miller a liar. We're not going to repeat any of those here. They are too despicable for us to give them any oxygen. 

People with working brains and souls, however, just offered their condolences and appreciation for Miller's service and sacrifice. 

And many, many others were determined that Walz never be able to slither away from what he did. 

We hope so too. Twitchy will do our best to remind them (not that they likely need a reminder, not after learning the truth about Walz). 

There's one more angle to this story, however. And it involves the media. 


If you missed it yesterday, CNN's Brianna Keilar disgraced herself and her network by claiming -- on air -- that J.D. Vance's service in war as a combat correspondent didn't really count as true combat service. 

Bear in mind, soldiers or Marines in Vance's role are often the ones who escort media in combat theaters, keeping them safe. Keilar insulted all of them. 

No, we don't believe she will ever bring Kathy Miller on her show. To CNN's shame. 

We will leave apparatchiks like Keilar to wallow in her own crapulence. There is no saving people like her. 

But Tim Walz is still a candidate for Vice President of the United States. We will not leave him alone. 

It's time for you to start facing some questions, Tim Walz. Your answers better be good, and your answers better include an apology to Gold Star mother Kathy Miller and her son Sergeant Kyle Miller. 

America should honor men like him. 

Why won't you, Tim?

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