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She Seems Nice: Rachel Vindman Throws a Full-Blown HISSY FIT at David Marcus for Endorsing Trump

Last night, Twitchy reported on the remarkable (and very, very, very very long) tweet from tech CEO David Marcus, who detailed a litany of reasons he no longer can consider himself a liberal and is 'crossing the Rubicon' to endorse Donald Trump in the 2024 election. 


The tweet is below and you can read the article from Twitchy's Amy here

As far as endorsements go, this is pretty huge. Along with Elon Musk and other people in the world of Big Tech waking up to who and what the left has become, you can sense a turning of the tide.

You know who else can sense it? The left themselves. 

Many of them lost it after Marcus' announcement, maybe because they thought they could do whatever horrible things they want and still have that Big Tech money locked up in their pocket. Funny how the left does all of that assuming with certain demographic groups, isn't it, black Americans?

But maybe no one went into paroxysms of rage quite as hilariously as Rachel Vindman, who we most recently saw screeching at a Politico (yes, Politico) reporter for daring to even suggest that Emperor Joe Biden might not be wearing any pantaloons.

LOL. She seems nice, right? All because someone like David Marcus dared to think for himself and didn't just toe the leftist line behind her. 


Alexander Vindman deserves her level of Amber Heard-like crazy. 

She really does, doesn't she? She should host her own Zoom call: White Psychopaths for Kamala.

Vindman is all about winning over those hearts and minds. She's like Keith Olbermann in that way. With the same amount of spittle flying out of both of their mouths.

She should thank Trump, without whom, not a single person on Earth would have ever even heard of her. 

Maybe not even her brother-in-law Eugene Vindman (who also wouldn't be trying to capitalize on Trump hate to carpetbag himself into a Congressional seat in Virginia this fall).

And a hefty amount of Thorazine. 

HA. We haven't seen such stability since Pompeii in 79 AD. 


Vindman left 'Karen' behind long ago. She's now in the realm of fully psychotic AWFL. 

Of course, she didn't. She didn't read about Marcus' experiences on Capitol Hill, which led him to the conclusion that Democrats don't care about their constituents. She didn't read about the censorship machine Marcus observed during COVID. She didn't read about Hunter Biden's laptop and the coordinated attacks on Trump. Or Democrats' failures in domestic and foreign policy. 

Most obviously, she didn't read Marcus explaining why moderates like him are not welcome in the Democrat party anymore. 

Instead, she just decided to show Marcus that he was absolutely right in everything he wrote. 

Ironic, huh? 


We hope she can find herself a nice padded room in which to process her trauma. 


Oh, make no mistake about it. Vindman hates Marcus for endorsing Trump, but that's not what made her go apoplectic. She's worried -- and she should be -- about the money and influence that comes with that endorsement. 

LOL. Where's George Costanza when you need him, right? 

(By the way, the tweet pictured there is the one we noted above that she sent to Politico's Rachael Bade for daring to stray even one inch off of the 'Joe Biden is sharp as a tack' narrative.)

Vindman sent her tweet in the middle of the afternoon, so she was probably only on her third box of wine for the day. 

SO mad. 

Oh, that happened a long time ago for Vindman. There's just a black bog of bile where that soul used to be.


And there it is. The hypocrisy -- and frankly, obliviousness -- of Vindman to claim to speak on behalf of women when the Biden-Harris administration's Title IX 'revisions' which completely erase women go into effect today. 

Fortunately, 26 states have blocked that Title IX atrocity that pretends men in dresses should be considered 'women' and let into women's spaces with no question. 

We're sure all of that is lost on Rachel Vindman though. For her, the word 'woman' means one thing and one thing only: 'unfettered abortion factory.'

But we suppose, in the end, we should thank her for continuing to show us -- and the world -- who the left really are. 

Trust us, Rachel. After seeing all of your psychotic tweets ... we believe you. 

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