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SURPRISE, SURPRISE: Harrison Butker Becomes Top-Selling Chiefs Jersey With Men AND Women

AP Photo/John Amis

When we first wrote about Harrison Butker's Catholic values commencement address yesterday and the unhinged backlash he was getting for it from the left, we mentioned the similar case of NHL player Ivan Provorov. Last season, Provorov, a Russian Orthodox Christian, refused to let the NHL force him to wear a rainbow 'pride' jersey during warmups. Like Butker, Provorov was attacked by the left as a 'bigot.' Predictably. 


But Provorov stood strong and refused to apologize, and it didn't take long for hockey fans to show the media who America supported on the issue. Voting with their wallets, fans across the country -- not just in Philadelphia, where Provorov played -- made his Flyers jersey one of the top-selling merchandise items in the entire NHL. 

Provorov was not a superstar like Conor McDavid or Sidney Crosby. He was just a man of principle and faith. Turns out, fans love that in their athletes.

So, it was hardly surprising yesterday to learn that football fans were similarly rewarding Butker for standing by his principles and faith. Butker's Chiefs jersey has immediately become a bestseller in the NFL. This is not Lamar Jackson or Pat Mahomes. This is a placekicker. With a top-selling jersey. 

Outselling the Chief's own all-world quarterback. That's awesome. 

And here's the best part: Butker's jersey -- despite the left calling him a Neanderthal misogynist (he's not) -- is flying off the shelves among men AND women. 


In a crummy Bidenomics economy, where groceries and bills continue to strain the budgets of Americans, fans chose to buy the jersey of a placekicker ... in huge numbers. That says a LOT.

We love it. The only downside is that the NFL, which issued a cowardly statement yesterday distancing themselves from Butker and his remarks, gets a cut of those sales too. 

Those attacking Butker, including in the media, would like everyone to think that they are the majority. They are not. Not even close. They just have a lot of microphones and aren't afraid to use them at the drop of a hat. But America, for the most part, does not share their leftist opinions. And it's showing. 


It's a rule that's tried and true, whenever something like this happens. 

That tweet concludes by mentioning how the NFL NEVER issues statements like the one they did about Butker when other players break the law with DUIs, drug arrests, or assaulting their girlfriends or spouses. 

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell is kind of a hypocritical jerkwad, in other words. 

This writer doesn't really believe in holding up professional athletes as role models. But if you ARE going to have a player as a role model, Butker is a much better one than, say, Tyreek Hill. 



And even non-Chiefs fans were showing their support yesterday. 

People are VERY passionate about their football teams. Ordering a player's jersey from a team they don't even like is a MUCH bigger statement than signing a silly petition.

A Broncos fan buying a Chiefs jersey is just ... wow.

Good for you. There were hundreds more replies just like these above, with people opening their wallets to support a man who is strong in his faith. 

HAHAHA. Yes, it's interesting how, no matter how many 'genders' the left makes up, retailers know that there are only men and women. There's no option to buy a 'Harrison Butker Non-Binary Jersey.'


We've been giggling at the poetic justice here too. Trust us. 

It's amazing that what Butker said is such anathema to the left and caused them to have such a hissy fit. 

Not surprising, just amazing. They can't help but tell you who they really are at every turn. 

But America is not buying what the left is selling anymore. 

We're too busy buying Harrison Butker jerseys.

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