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Conservatives on Twitter Send a Message to Leftists by Taking Over #WhiteRuralRage Hashtag


Earlier this week, political science professor Tom Schaller and leftist 'journalist' Paul Waldman released a new book called 'White Rural Rage,' wherein they describe how rural America is a THREAT TO DEMOCRACY ... or something.


We are not making that first sentence up, but we wish we were. 

We won't bother rehashing the contents of the book for you (it is everything you'd expect it to be), but it is revealing that the two co-authors managed to shock even MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski with their blatant -- and quite vile -- racism. Watch: 

Wow. Just ... wow. There may be no fixing that kind of thinking. 

But there is always some good news that comes along whenever the left openly expresses their unabashed hatred for their fellow Americans. 

In this instance, that good news came in the form of conservatives on Twitter taking over the hashtag #WhiteRuralRage to show everyone how they express their dangerous fury on a daily basis. 

The results have had us laughing all day, so we hope you'll enjoy all of them too. 

Watch out for those cows, man. It starts with a kiss. Next thing you know, they're pulling a knife on you. 


Hey, can we get some of that fresh bread, strawberries, and preserves? Come on, share the rage. 

And we would like some of those ribs too, please. 


Do they have a night sky in the cities? Or is it mostly just street lamps? 

See? We told you those cows are sneaky. 

That sounds pretty insurrection-y. Oh, wait ... no. It sounds awesome. 


Hey, spring is on the way. That half-mile walk is about to be wonderful. 

More homemade bread. We are starting to get VERY hungry. But that's probably just more rage welling up inside of us. 

Some people shared their outstanding rides as an expression of their rage.

Good puppy. 

LOL. Horns up for raging.


We're not sure about you, but 'white rural rage' sounds like it's pretty positive for the community and beneficial to those in need. 

HAHA. OK, we don't even want to KNOW what started that one.

Cleaning does suck. And people in rural areas probably don't even have any illegal immigrants they can hire to do it for them. The horror. 


Awww, Jubal. You little thief, you. 

If you have a truck, you probably know what that one means. If you don't ... well, we'll let you Google that one on your own. 

Ain't that always the way? 

In order to have 'white suburban rage,' we're pretty sure you need to be the president of an HOA. 


Of course, some on Twitter took the opportunity to send a not-so-subtle message to city folk with their ideas of 'white rural rage.'

Starting to get the picture, city dwellers? 

There are SO many more examples we'd love to include, but we'll end with one final tweet that sort of sums up the entire message: 

Maybe before talking about how dangerous 'white rural rage is,' Waldman and Schaller should have gone out and, you know, TALKED to some rural Americans.

It's a crazy notion, we know, but maybe -- just maybe -- they could have learned a thing or two. 


But since they didn't care to learn anything, we're happy just making fun of them with a hashtag. 


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