Senator Chuck Schumer recently vouched for the honesty and integrity of his Democrat colleague Dick Durbin, and people are still laughing about that. Today, Durbin addressed President Trump denying accusations of racism by telling the president (and all Republicans) how they can “prove” it:
Asked about Pres. Trump's "I'm not a racist" comment, Sen. Dick Durbin says, "The president and the Republican Party have a chance to prove that now" with DACA compromise.
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) January 15, 2018
Is this guy shameless or what? Durbin’s previous attempt to prove Trump’s a racist backfired badly, but that hasn’t stopped him from trying.
Now, anyone who has concerns or opposes DACA is a racist. You gotta hand it to Democrats, they really know how to take an issue they have leverage on and make themselves look utterly absurd.
— Andrea Caruso (@AndreaNRuth) January 15, 2018
They sure do!
Maybe Durbin doesn’t have any interest in an honest dialog.
D’OH! Dick Durbin steps on BIG rake while looking for help fixing these ‘real problems’
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