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'Adorable deflection'! Sen. Whitehouse's colorful attempt to change the subject gets ROASTED on a Twitter mockery spit

As you most likely know, Democrat Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse has been facing some scrutiny by those not in the mainstream media after being questioned about his membership in a reportedly white-only beach club in Rhode Island.


After all that, Whitehouse’s Twitter account apparently tried to change the subject to climate change with this tweet that looks like an old school late-night test pattern on television:

Ah, OK pal.

One thing’s for sure:

Er, yeah, that’s definitely happening.

It’s just too perfect, and Whitehouse set it up like a bowling pin.


OK, now our sides hurt.



Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse’s office says beach club has had members of color, doesn’t explain why he said they’re still working on it; Updated

‘Here comes the spin’! WaPo reports focus on Sen. Whitehouse’s club membership is taking place ‘amid questions about whether it is all-white’

Erick Erickson & Guy Benson know what would be happening ‘if Sheldon Whitehouse had an R next to his name’

Spin of the day: ‘GOP smear attempt’ on Sen. Whitehouse is really about Mitch McConnell trying to stop his ‘dark money’ bill

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