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Harris Campaign Gives White Dudes 'SPACE' to Be Honest About Their Role in History

Everyday Feminism

File this under: Imagine if Donald Trump did this. Imagine if Donald Trump set up a Zoom call for white men only. The Harris campaign has been doing race- and sex-segregated Zoom calls, including the cringeworthy "White Women for Kamala." Our own Sam Janney will be on tonight's "White Dudes for Kamala" Zoom call, so we'll probably get more details on that Tuesday, unless she gets kicked off for suggesting racially segregated calls are a bad thing.


Earlier, we showed you the white dudes behind "White Dudes for Kamala" and they look exactly like you'd expect them to look. 

Featured at the White Dudes event will be Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who's just a regular dude. The organizers say the Zoom call will create a space for white dudes to be honest about their role in the country's history — in other words, it will be a struggle session about how they feel guilty for being white males.

Joe Durbin reports:

Kamala Harris is using potential veep candidate Pete Buttigieg to woo “white dude’’ voters — “who need to be honest with ourselves and each other about the role we’ve played in our nation’s history.’’

Buttigieg, transportation secretary and one of Vice President Harris’ top supporters, will appear virtually at a Zoom event at 8 p.m. Monday with the group “White Dudes for Harris.”

“As White Dudes, we know full well how MAGA cynically preys on resentments,” reads an email to a Post reporter from the group’s organizer, Ross Morales. “This moment of crisis is challenging us, but we won’t let fear define who we are and take us — or our country — down a dark path.

“We’re coming together to create a space of trust where White Dudes can support each other and work to elect Kamala Harris the next President of the United States.”

“As White men, we recognize all too clearly the culture of toxic entitlement surrounding Donald Trump,” he wrote. “We need to be honest with ourselves and each other about the role we’ve played in our nation’s history — good and bad. We’re creating a space of honesty and trust, where we can support each other and work for a new, brighter future.”


First, no "dudes" have ever come together to create a "space of trust." At least they recognize that as white dudes they recognize "all too clearly the culture of toxic entitlement" around Trump. These guys as more insufferable than that white woman for Trump who went viral for being such a white savior.

Good question.

White Dudes for Kamala are anti-white.

So what is men's role in history?


We're old enough to remember the very early days of the Biden administration when the Democrat machine wanted to swap out Kamala Harris for Pete Buttigieg, she was so unpopular.

Will this be a "safe space"? Because if there's one thing that white men are clamoring for is a safe space to express themselves.


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