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Joy Behar Scolds Bill Maher for Not Doing Enough to Protect the 'Cadaver-Like' Joe Biden

Bill Maher is still a flaming liberal, but he's been becoming increasingly based. He slammed the keffiyeh-wearing college protesters who are rallying in favor of Hamas and communism. He admitted he's not happy his tax dollars are going to cancel the student debt of Hamas sympathizers. And he just defended Harrison Butker's Catholic commencement speech, saying, "I don't see what the big crime is. I really don't."


Maher for some reason agreed to appear on "The View," and Joy Behar in particular seemed upset, seeing as she's "nervous" saying anything negative about President Joe Biden. Doesn't Maher share the same responsibility, to prop up the president?

He'll still vote for him, but Maher knows that the Democrats have put up a terrible candidate.

The fact that you have to assure your viewers that Biden's "brain is still good" means his brain isn't good.


Behar's worried Maher might cause people to think twice about voting for Biden, and as her co-host said, if Donald Trump wins re-election, he's going to "disappear" all the journalists and gay folks.


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