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Has the Left Gone Too Far? Bill Maher Once Again Moves Toward the Right and Defends Harrison Butker

Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP

Bill Maher has been around forever. He has always been left of center but there was a time when celebrities and regular people did not have to plaster our politics across the internet and it was ok to disagree and still not hate each other.

Maher is from that era. It was a great time. You could have your politics and keep friends too. There was a show on the air called Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn. It was AWESOME! They talked politics but it was funny and nobody called each other evil or wished poxes on their families for being conservative on an issue.

I saw Maher live back in the day and he was funny. He is surprisingly small and his head seems much larger than the rest of his body, not that it matters, just observation. ANYWAY, I digress. My point is Maher was not always far left, he was always more of a Libertarian in my eyes but as culture demanded it seemed he moved further left. However, in recent years since COVID, it seems he is moving toward the center once again.

His latest defense of Harrison Butker is just one of many subjects he seems to align with the Right side of the aisle. You can read about Harrison and his 'controversial speech' here. Basically, the Left is saying his praising the idea some women may choose to stay home and raise kids is anti-woman. It is not, but the Left is gonna go squirrely over anything they might be able to turn into sexist comments and bash the Right with.

What is the big crime? I stayed at home with my kids when they were young and it was the best decision I ever made. We were not rich, we struggled, and we ate a lot of PB&J sandwiches and spaghetti on 'fancy' nights. It was worth it. My girls are wonderful and they are not abortion focussed Leftist Nutters sitting in a 'Free Palestine' encampment right now. They are perfectly normal young women who have exceeded my expectations and I am very proud to say I helped raise them.

Many of us made sacrifices for our kids and Butker was just tapping into the joy that many of us have in being a mother. It really is the most important job I have ever been given and will remain the best job I ever had. When the Left tries to say we are irrelevant and that being a mother is not something worth cherishing it shows how awful they really are.

We have gotten to a point in the culture where the Left wants to say they are for women's rights and have used that as a bludgeon to try and destroy any political opponents for so long that they do not realize they have actually become the sexists they claim to fight against.

They destroy any woman who dares not agree with them. Take a look on X and see what women are being told to shut up. To comply or have death wished upon them. It is conservative women. Our own Chief Editor Sam Janney takes abuse from the Left on a daily basis just for existing as a woman with conservative views.

How dare any of us say, hey maybe we should not kill a child in the womb especially not at 6,7,8 or 9 months. How dare we say hey, we have sympathy for trans people and want to help, BUT maybe they should not be competing in sports against biological women and taking scholarship money and awards away from biological girls. How dare we say some women might need same-sex spaces in shelters or changing rooms and be safe from seeing a penis. How dare we say that being a mother is the greatest gift some of us have been given and that a man can not carry a child in a uterus he does not possess.

See, none of that is outrageous and none of it deserves to be mocked or put down and none of it deserves death threats or people seeking to destroy your lives and your job. None of what we said is hateful or transphobic. The Left has gone EXTREME Left and even people like Maher recognize that they may be moving too far Left for the average American to stomach for much longer.

I hope more people like Maher begin to open their eyes and see the truth. I won't hold my breath.

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