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Donald Trump Caught Using Nazi Language Again


Here's a post we didn't want to write but progressives' heads are exploding today over Donald Trump promising to usher in a "unified riech" if re-elected. Trump's already been called out several times on using Nazi language lifted straight from "Mein Kampf" — CNN even did a fact-check, nothing that Trump had at a rally called to eliminate all the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs who are living like vermin in our society. Do you know who else used the word vermin? Hitler. NPR published a piece called, "Why Trump's authoritarian language about 'vermin' matters." Trump's "vermin" comment echoes Nazi Germany, Axios reported President Joe Biden as saying. "Trump's rhetoric now bounces around from confusion to rodent-like terms once used by fascist leaders Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini," wrote USA Today. 


That wasn't the end of it. Earlier this month, the AP reported on Trump using Nazi-like language again, calling the Biden administration a "Gestapo" administration at a Mar-a-Lago fundraiser.

Now liberals are in flames because a Trump fan made a video that very briefly included the words, "united Reich."

Meidas Touch says this story needs to be everywhere, even at Twitchy, so here we are.

Here's very serious congressman Dan Goldman:

It certainly was bait for the Left, but it seems there's a simpler explanation:


Oh, it was visible if you went frame-by-frame through the video searching for it. It was a stupid mistake that of course Democrats are going to jump on, but Meidas Touch posted the video yesterday and it doesn't seem to be getting any traction in the media, like the week-long freak-out over the word "vermin." We'll see if Jake Tapper devotes his show to this subliminal Nazi messaging. Kind of like when they ignored Rep. Jamaal Bowman "accidentally" calling Republicans Nazis, like how he "accidentally" pulled that fire alarm.



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