As Twitchy reported, Jen Psaki said there’s “no question” that President Joe Biden will commemorate the anniversary of January 6. CNN has announced its January 6 commemorative event with plenty of special guests — all as if Biden and CNN haven’t been mentioning January 6 all year. Remember Wolf Blitzer’s brave selfie in front of the Capitol on the nine-month anniversary of January 6?
Now the New York Times editorial board has published a piece arguing that every day is January 6 now. They’re going to milk the Capitol riots for all they’re worth, even if it means setting up a faulty security state as the U.S. did after the 9/11 attacks.
In Opinion
“Our political life seems more or less normal these days,” writes the editorial board. “But peel back a layer, and things are far from normal. Jan. 6 is not in the past; it is every day.”— The New York Times (@nytimes) January 1, 2022
The Times writes:
After four years of chaos, cruelty and incompetence, culminating in a pandemic and the once-unthinkable trauma of Jan. 6, most Americans were desperate for some peace and quiet.
On the surface, we have achieved that. Our political life seems more or less normal these days, as the president pardons turkeys and Congress quarrels over spending bills. But peel back a layer, and things are far from normal. Jan. 6 is not in the past; it is every day.
It is regular citizens who threaten election officials and other public servants, who ask, “When can we use the guns?” and who vow to murder politicians who dare to vote their conscience. It is Republican lawmakers scrambling to make it harder for people to vote and easier to subvert their will if they do. It is Donald Trump who continues to stoke the flames of conflict with his rampant lies and limitless resentments and whose twisted version of reality still dominates one of the nation’s two major political parties.
In short, the Republic faces an existential threat from a movement that is openly contemptuous of democracy and has shown that it is willing to use violence to achieve its ends.
“Truly grappling with the threat ahead means taking full account of the terror of that day a year ago.”
This reminds us of Newsweek’s dire warning that there are “millions of angry, armed Americans” standing ready to seize power if Donald Trump doesn’t win back the presidency in 2024.
I regret to inform you that the New York Times editorial board has lost its marbles.
— Ian Miles Cheong @ (@stillgray) January 1, 2022
It has sure felt like it listening to the news
— Well_How_Did_I_Get_Here? (@WellHowDidIGet1) January 1, 2022
You’re still talking about this?
— Donny Brash (@donaldbrashear5) January 1, 2022
Every single day, at least for 15 mins per hour for the last year and many more to come, the Democrats, Media, Big Tech and the White House have reminded us of January 6th and how it was the worse attack in American history
15 mins of every hour of every day
— Reysmith2025 (@reysmith2025) January 1, 2022
Worse than Pearl Harbor, worse than 9/11, worse than the Civil War.
This is how society becomes desensitized to real issues that impact people. By broadly throwing labels on things that they are not. So many morons.
— (🙂 @🏡) #GlazersOut (@sickickskeeter) January 1, 2022
“Our political life seems more or less normal these days…”
What the hell country are you living in?— Poindexter (@Ahclem53) January 1, 2022
It has not seemed normal in any sense to those who have been paying attention, and what’s happening should frighten all reasonable people.
— Pete Thomas (@Pete_Thomas) January 1, 2022
For someone even nominally aware of current events political life does NOT seem "more or less normal these days". I'm guessing that the NYT editorial board is more than nominally aware which makes this statement another in a long list of spectacularly bad takes.
— Bill (@Bkaiser1Bill) January 1, 2022
God bless your psychiatrists.
— Anthony (@PhinsTweets2) January 1, 2022
And they wonder why Biden poll numbers are in the tank
— Damencio (@wallsberg) January 1, 2022
That's what they want because that's all they've got. They can't run on anything else.
— FreespeechRefugee (@1Aspeechrefugee) January 1, 2022
This won’t save the midterms.
— Dillon Evans (@realDillonEvans) January 1, 2022
The click bait headline game is weak with this one.
— One Prick Tony (@Dean79019080) January 1, 2022
They are standing on the sideline, watching their ship sink in desperation. The propaganda will grow more and more outrageous the closer we get to midterms
— JessBlane1122 (@blane1122) January 1, 2022
I'm surprised that Nancy didn't put back the razor wire fence surrounding the Capitol again for the one year anniversary of the imaginary crime.
— Jake (@pentony) January 1, 2022
Honestly, we are too. We were certain intelligence agencies would pick up “chatter” about a repeat of the “insurrection” and call in the National Guard to protect the Capitol.
— That Guy (@steelCOYOTE_) January 1, 2022
— Cody Goode (@Cody07178708) January 1, 2022
Pure gaslighting propaganda. Manufacturing consent to empower the domestic security state and scare the readers into continuing to support the Democrats. No one outside of Manhattan, the DC beltway, and a few very wealthy upper-middle-class suburbs cares about this.
— Mark Alastor (@MAlastor1) January 1, 2022
— Liz (@liz_rose7) January 1, 2022
June 2020
— Admiral Rufus T. Firefly (sworn enemy of Rakell) (@hoggomcswineass) January 1, 2022
LOL. The entire NYT organization is suffering mass psychosis.
— Interweb_Rando (@InterwebRando) January 1, 2022
Please invest in a therapist for your team.
— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) January 1, 2022
The media is going to be so insufferable on the sixth.
Newsweek is sounding the alarm over the ‘millions of angry, armed Americans [standing] ready to seize power if Trump loses in 2024’
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) December 20, 2021
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