Let’s talk about segregation. Progressives like it. A few years ago, a student group at Oberlin College demanded “special, segregated black-only ‘safe-spaces’ across campus.” The University of Michigan-Dearborn has a BIPOC Café along with a Non-POC Café, both hosted by the school’s Center for Social Justice & Inclusion. And as we reported just a few days ago, the Brentwood School for girls hosts separate dialogue sessions for parents and families; check on the sheet whether you’ll be attending the session for white parents or the session for black parents.
So we’d urge those on the Left to consider their words carefully when they lump in white supremacists with segregationists.
We’re not sure if lefties consider the Jan. 6 storming of the Capitol to be the most famous battle of America’s second Civil War or if the whole last four years was war and Biden’s inaugural address was his Gettysburg address, but America is split, and Washington Post global opinions editor Karen Attiah says if America were any other country, we’d be talking about having a UN-sponsored Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) program for white supremacists and segregationists.
If America were another country, we would be talking about how post-Civil War America is still in desperate need of a UN-sponsored Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) program for white supremacists and segregationists.
— Karen Attiah (@KarenAttiah) February 1, 2021
We see the photo of the guy with the Confederate flag, but what happens to all the segregationists mentioned in our lead paragraph?
In other words, you favor concentration camps for people you don't like. Sounds familiar.
— Socially Distant (@joecaradine) February 1, 2021
Reeducation camps? No, they must have another word for it. We’d be surprised by the suggestion but MSNBC’s Chris Hayes softened us to the idea of a truth and reconciliation commission to “humanely” deal with Trump conservatives last fall.
America is *supposed to be* a free country where the government isn't interested in what you personally believe.
You simply cannot target and deny civil rights to people who hold views you strongly oppose.
Because *YOU* can be denied those same rights. https://t.co/CTy1xOrXiC
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) February 1, 2021
The problem with this mindset is how fixated it is on the content.
We universally oppose the white supremacist belief system and recognize how it can be dangerous in action.
However, you cannot use a government to eradicate a belief system. That is how you *empower* said system https://t.co/CTy1xOrXiC
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) February 1, 2021
Remove white supremacists from the equation and remember that oppressive policing against slaves, former slaves, during reconstruction and the Civil Rights movement were based on *this same principle* that the government must stamp out dangerous ideas threatening society. https://t.co/CTy1xOrXiC
— Chad Felix Greene (@chadfelixg) February 1, 2021
GP Consider for a moment that this idea works both ways. What's to stop it from being turned on the left by people on the right claiming what's destroying American democracy is woke public schools and universities teaching discredited critical race theory and socialism? https://t.co/sJm7EsfKRb
— The Gormogons (@Gormogons) February 1, 2021
Thankfully, America isn't Ghana. We have guns that stop people like you from running roughshod over us.
And I'm not white, I was born in Africa so you can stuff your readymade racism. https://t.co/eqycewnj3g
— Simon Templar (@fridryk) February 1, 2021
Well, reportedly, none of the rioters at the capitol were armed, so I'm not sure this makes the point you want it to. https://t.co/8do37kPcaX
— Allie Beth Stuckey (@conservmillen) February 1, 2021
I'm old enough to remember when "The U.N. is coming for our guns" was an unhinged conspiracy theory. Now it's promoted on the Bezos Blog aka WaPo https://t.co/Hskbpo106Y
— Rewildfund Manager ?? 5'11?, 71 IQ (@DShaw873) February 1, 2021
The editor of wapo opinion pages thinks it's a good idea to have an international organization disarm American citizens she deems "white supremacists and segregationists." https://t.co/VAhQMadO2a
— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) February 1, 2021
These are thought crimes, incidentally. if they lose their second amendment rights, why not first? fourth? fifth?
— David Harsanyi (@davidharsanyi) February 1, 2021
Would also be very interested in the following:
1. How do you propose identifying white supremacists?
2. Would your program differentiate between black and while segregationists?— Stuart Stein (@SsteinStuart) February 1, 2021
"DDR program" is right. Erich Honecker and Erik Mielke applaud, and offer pointers.
— Venerable Æthelred of Virginia (@GeorgeP03657877) February 1, 2021
A TSS moment.
— collegeBLITZ (@collegeBLITZing) February 1, 2021
Why do you all continue to be surprised with liberals wanting to be rid of conservatives
— Boomer (@randomman9001) February 1, 2021
1st, label them “domestic terrorists” & “white supremacists”- never mind the truth. Then initiate gun confiscation to protect democracy from “insurrectionists” and “revolutionaries”- again, false. Once disarmed, the “sheep” can be herded off to the political slaughterhouse.
— Exeter (@Exeter24033939) February 1, 2021
From your fingertips to God's ears. Imagining how badly this would go for you is going to fuel my Monday. https://t.co/zi7fLhSPkY
— William Randolph Hearst Helmsley (@BillLevesque) February 1, 2021
Hey, we hate to say it and sound like conspiracy theorists … but pieces like this one are why a lot of people believe not that we’re currently living in a post-Civil War America, but that the real second Civil War is still coming. Keep fueling that fire, WaPo.
‘Will there be camps, too?’ Chris Hayes’ ‘reasonable and humane way’ for dealing with political opponents sounds a lot like communism https://t.co/WvKqC6XVpj
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) October 6, 2020
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