Well, this is awkward. Despite MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell taking the podium for a couple of minutes, CNN’s Jim Acosta managed to get in a dumb question at Monday’s press briefing on the coronavirus. Rather than ask, say, about the new machines that can test for coronavirus in only five minutes, Acosta asked President Trump what he says to Americans who are upset with him for downplaying the crisis, and then read what are literally the same quotes Joe Biden’s Super PACs are using in their ads.
Acosta later went on to do his stand-up segment with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, and said the briefings would be better designed if the president would “let us hear more from Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci.”
Media: @Acosta in a recap with @wolfblitzer: "These briefings could be better designed. @realDonaldTrump could come out, say a few words – not have these PR stunts like Mr. Pillow coming out and getting a plug for his company – and let us hear more from Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci." pic.twitter.com/JVQLvakPGE
— Porter Anderson (@Porter_Anderson) March 30, 2020
This is a joke, right??
The media spent the weekend claiming Dr. Birx was no longer a valid source. Dr. Fauci supposedly is fighting with Trump, so when he says otherwise he too in invalidated.
So… you all get Trump, by your design. https://t.co/FkO6ib2Wqd— Brad Slager: aka Wuhan Solo (@MartiniShark) March 30, 2020
Yeah, CNN’s Joe Lockhart has spent a good amount of time assuring us that “Dr. Birk” has drunk the Kool-Aid and then called her “the Stepford Doc” and saying he, for one, was no longer interested in hearing from her. It’s only a matter of time until Dr. Anthony Fauci falls out of favor with the media and journalists just interview each other, since they know everything.
So which is it? More Birx or none at all? These are the sorts of tough decisions cable news producers have to make.
“Mr Pillow”? How many masks is Mr. Fake News Acosta producing for the American people?
— Brian Molino ⭐️⭐️⭐️ – #ExonerateGenFlynn (@molino_brian) March 30, 2020
Be sure to completely gloss over the part where the My Pillow guy is making 50,000 N95 masks a day…
I'm sure being intentionally deceptive is going to pay off in the long run.
— Kevin Dalton (@NextLAMayor) March 30, 2020
Mike Lindell is a successful businessman who is going to manufacture 50,000 protective masks in his US factory using US workers to help save American lives. And for this incredible contribution he gets mocked by main stream propagandists. Sick people.
— Break Glass In Case Of War (@CW2Prepper) March 30, 2020
Jim Acosta is describing Mike Lindell making 50,000 masks as PR stunt
Acosta is a piece of work
— BEARDOG (@bhabrock12) March 30, 2020
Piece of something.
— Dunkkit (@dunkkit) March 30, 2020
Jim Acosta is upset because he tried to provoke the POTUS with a sarcastic question and it back-fired. He got bitched slapped on national television.
— Break Glass In Case Of War (@CW2Prepper) March 30, 2020
Wow, Acosta came off as a real douche during that Exchange.
— M Z (@Mzachry44) March 30, 2020
Look at me!!!
I’m relevant!!
Sad really.
— Brent Anderson (@BrentAnderson99) March 30, 2020
Jim Acosta is a joke. History will portray him as a clown, if it even mentions him.
— Bot Reynolds (@BotReynolds) March 30, 2020
Poor Jimmy Boy. Do you need a mirror to affirm yourself? pic.twitter.com/aDkGBdBAhi
— Hotep ??Kung Flu?? Chopstick (@HotepChopstick) March 30, 2020
Acosta complaining about PR stunts???? Pot, kettle, black.
— Robert Frank (@RobertF49670338) March 30, 2020
Or Acosta’s PR stunt? While people work to save lives, you continue to be focused on the election.
— Mo Donnelly (@MoDameGator) March 30, 2020
Imagine Acosta is your dad. How embarrassing must this all be to his kid. Not only does he have a pointless job but he is constantly being destroyed by Trump. Poor kid.
— Lenny (@The_Omega_Man) March 30, 2020
Why is CNN always on the wrong side of history
— JimmyTheKid (@JimmyTheKidUF) March 30, 2020
Donald Trumps ratings must be soaring, keep up the good work
— Biff Malibu (@BiffMalibu10) March 30, 2020
Hey Jim here’s a idea. Why don’t you and the CNN crew skip these? Oh wait if you did who would be left to watch you?
— Scott Reid (@wscottreid) March 30, 2020
Some day Acosta will wake up, realize we’d rather hear about companies stepping up to produce the masks that the left reminds us everyday we don’t have enough of, rather than how many people have or have not been tested in South Korea or whether it’s mean to call it a China virus
— snowflake free zone (@CHRISTO92556652) March 30, 2020
We know what the original poster thinks of Mr. Pillow:
Mr Pillow? Kinda creepy
— Benn (@Villagewolf3) March 30, 2020
Totally. Mike Lindell, the My Pillow guy in the ads. Way creepy.
— Porter Anderson (@Porter_Anderson) March 30, 2020
Like, Evangelical creepy.
‘Sexist AF!’ Joe Lockhart reminds everyone why only CNN bothers with him in stunningly sexist tweet about Dr. Deborah Birx https://t.co/EaSx76TwCE
— Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) March 27, 2020
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