This story is interesting for a couple of reasons. For starters, we here at Twitchy all remember the IRS targeting scandal led by Lois Lerner under the Obama administration. Right-wing non-profits were targeted by the IRS, denied tax-exempt status and faced possible prosecution. No one was held accountable for that; Obama is still lecturing us on what a terrible nation we are and Lois Lerner retired with a fat pension.
So for anyone on the Left to complain about a weaponized IRS is adorable.
Second, it'll be interesting to watch the pro-shoot-evil-billionaires Left suddenly hold this guy up as a martyr, because Orange Man Bad:
LinkedIn billionaire Reid Hoffman fears Trump will have IRS audit him as revenge for supporting Kamala Harris: ‘He was threatening personal and political retaliation’
— New York Post (@nypost) December 16, 2024
LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman said he’s worried President-elect Donald Trump will have the Internal Revenue Service subject him to an audit or have the government deny him contracts as retribution for his support for Vice President Kamala Harris.
Hoffman, whose net worth was valued by Forbes at $2.6 billion as of Monday, told “The Diary of a CEO” podcast on Monday that he is bracing for “personal and political retaliation because I tried to help Harris get elected.”
“I think that there’s a greater than 50% chance that there will be repercussions from a misdirection and corruption of the institutions of state to respond to my having tried to help Harris get elected,” Hoffman told podcast host Steven Bartlett.
What was it the Left said whenever the DOJ or FBI wanted to investigate a conservative?
Oh, that's right: if you've done nothing wrong, you've got nothing to be afraid of.
I was told having the government looking into you shouldn’t bother you if you don’t have anything to hide
— Enguerrand VII de Coucy (@ingelramdecoucy) December 16, 2024
Exactly as we said.
This a really good example of people conceding that the IRS can be a form of a weapon against American citizens. It is not healthy and it really started with OBAMA going after the Tea-Party People as a form of intimidation.
— Lisa (@lalalainsd) December 16, 2024
We need to abolish the IRS plain and simple. Taxes can…
It is. And it usually targets middle- and lower-income Americans.
@chamath @DavidSacks @BillAckman @JoeSquawk
— Andrea E (@AAC0519) December 16, 2024
Ho-hum. The most dishonest in trying to defeat Trump are now the most vocal about becoming his target.
What a great line.
So what?
— Mousewrangler (@Mousewrangler2) December 16, 2024
If it happens, he can make a lot of noise about it.
And if it doesn't happen, then Hoffman was just making the usual Dem exaggerated panic statement.
It wouldn't be so obvious if we hadn't sat though an entire campaign of highly embellished disaster predictions.
Fair point.
Why is the far left so concerned that the agencies they weaponized will now be turned against them? That would be a fitting result but, I would prefer that government was not a weapon to be used against citizens. #FJB and let’s Make America Great Again!
— Paul in Texas (@PaulMac_in_TX) December 16, 2024
We also prefer government agencies not be used as weapons.
But the Left opened that can of worms, so.
Their rules.
If you have nothing to hide, then what's the problem, @reidhoffman ???
— Corporal Punishment (@CplPunishment_) December 16, 2024
Please, tell us, Reid.
tired of folks who tried to destroy orange man now b**ching that tables have turned.
— Alan Farley (@msttrader) December 16, 2024
karma = cause + effect.
And how the tables have turned.
B**ch, please. He probably didn’t even know you until you practically volunteered.
— 𝔍 ⤬ 𝔜 ⤬ 𝔅 (@jaewhybe) December 16, 2024
Almost seems like he's asking to be martyred for the cause.
If everything is on the up and up, audits are merely an inconvenience.. not something to worry about. Sounds like he maybe has something to hide - and a guilty conscience.
— Cee Bee (@nerdynurse74) December 16, 2024
He supported a woman who would've raised our taxes and installed an insane unrealized capital gains tax that would've crippled the economy.
An audit is small beans compared to that.
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