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Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics: Joe Biden Repeats Phony Stat on Guns Being 'Number One Killer' of Kids

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

All the Democrats do is lie. If they open their mouths, there's a 99.9% chance that whatever you're about to hear is a pile of good ol' fashioned bologna.

Yesterday, Joe Biden took a break from his beach vacays to scream at an invisible Thomas Jefferson about the Tree of Liberty and that the Second Amendment didn't allow cannon ownership (it did, and still does, actually).


He's back today to repeat an oft-debunked lie about guns and kids:

He's also lying about what J.D. Vance said about school shootings, FWIW.

The only way you can fudge the numbers to make guns the 'number one' killer of children is to expand the definition of children to include 18- and 19-year-olds: ya know, legal adults.

Here's the reality:

For those under 18, vehicle deaths are consistently greater than those from firearms. Adding homicides, unintentional deaths, and suicides together shows 2,443 total deaths from vehicles and 2,218 from firearms. In 2021, there were again 2,668 vehicle and 2,519 firearm deaths. When we exclude justifiable homicides that are committed in self-defense, that number falls by several hundred.

X users wasted no time in pointing out the other leading cause of death of children: abortion.

And Joe Biden wants that -- on demand, unrestricted, and taxpayer funded.



'A solemn decision between a woman and her doctor.'

No, it's not.

They sure are.

Where are the fact-checkers? Where are the talking heads and pundits to say Biden's outrageous claim lacks evidence or needs context?

All we hear are crickets.

Or Leftists with guns, as the last several high profile shootings (including two assassination attempts targeting Donald Trump) have shown.

Nowhere to be found.


And they give more to Ukraine.

All true.

There's a pending Community Note already.

Millions of children lost to abortion and Biden cheers that on.

But if we ban guns it'll magically go away!


The Left also doesn't adequately charge or sentence those who commit gun crimes, setting them loose to murder again.

It's almost like they don't take shootings seriously unless they can use them for political power.

Make no mistake: Kamala Harris will come for our guns. Her record speaks for itself. This is just laying the groundwork to justify upending the Second Amendment.

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