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Massive Amounts of COPIUM: Keith Olbermann Blames Biden’s Debate Debacle on Cold Medicine


Keith Olbermann is not doing well, post-presidential debate. Fresh off of calling for CNN to be burned to the ground, he's taking some massive doses of copium to try and justify Biden's bad debate performance.


Blaming it on cold medicine.

Sure, Keith.

That was the report on Thursday night, the excuse to explain why Biden sounded awful and didn't do well in his first match up against former President Trump.

Never mind the fact that -- after the debate -- they took Biden to Waffle House. Which is what one does when one has a cold.

Yeah, cold medicine doesn't do any of that.

Twitchy has covered Olbermann enough to know he's completely incapable of embarrassment.




It's a bold strategy, Cotton.


Of course he is.



He's special, alright.

No doubt whatsoever.

Prescription strength. For sure.


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