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Biden Admin STRAIGHT UP Lies About Title IX Changes Allowing Biological Men in Women's Sports


The Biden administration recently made changes to Title IX that absolutely gut the protections it laid out for women and women's sports in favor of pandering to radical trans activists.


It's a move that belies what the administration says about supporting women: they only support women when it comes to aborting unborn children. The rest of the time, they can't even define what a woman is.

The new Title IX rules, as a lawsuit from the Independent Women's Forum states, means biological men can access women's sports, locker rooms, scholarships, and other single-sex programs and spaces if they merely identify as a woman.

Perhaps the Biden administration is realizing what a political misstep this was, because they're now insisting the Title IX rules won't allow biological men into women's sports.

More from Fox News:

"It's hard to redefine the word ‘sex’ and not have it apply to the entire statute," Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) legal counsel Rachel Rouleau told Fox News Digital. "You really can't say that sex includes gender identity in part of Title IX, but not in sports."

Her organization is fighting the Title IX update in several cases and has already scored some major victories.

The latest version of the regulation, which expands the definition of sex discrimination and harassment to include gender identity and sexual orientation, will have significant implications for women-only spaces, conservative legal scholars previously told Fox News Digital. The Biden administration's claim that sports won't be affected is deceptive, some experts argue, since adding gender identity to Title IX could make schools feel coerced — even if they aren't required — into allowing students to participate in sports teams that correspond with their preferred gender.

And it's an expensive gamble for schools — institutions that fail to comply with Title IX risk losing federal funding, which is often a significant amount for colleges and universities.


There's no way this administration doesn't come down like a ton of bricks on any school that doesn't allow a male who identifies as a woman into women's spaces on campus. None whatsoever.

This is a lie.

Their support of the trans agenda demonstrates this.

But they won't have males who identify as female compete in male sports because those males often can't compete with other males. Like Lia Thomas.


This administration absolutely will sneak this through when they think we're not looking.

Slippery slope, here we come.

It's all he does.


He's really destroying women's sports.

Anyone with eyes and a brain knows this administration is lying.

It's also amazing how the Left and the media (but we repeat ourselves) insist on listening to the 'experts' on everything under the sun.

Except this.

This? Don't listen to the experts. Listen to the administration. Which would totally never lie to you about anything.

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